Bring the risk information from Jira issues to Hedge!
release date: 14th June 2023
Hedge now supports even more Jira fields that you can now view in your risk register.
Hedge now additionally supports the following default fields from the company and team-managed projects:
Start date
Original estimate
Due date
And following custom field types in company-managed projects:
Radio buttons
Cascading select list
Single select list
Multiple Select list
Date picker
Date time picker
Number fields
Paragraph (rich text)
Short text
URL field
User picker
Hedge in the project menu and issue view
release date: 6th February 2023
Are you looking to quickly asses risks from your projects? Well, now you can! Find a brand new Risk management tab in your Jira menu together with a risk assessment view in your Jira issues to make managing project risks faster.
Add columns to the table and export risk register!
release date: 29th November 2022
You can now add additional columns to the risk register table like status, component, fix version, assignee, project, priority, epic link, parent link, and labels.
This will give you more context about the risk without needing to access risk detail in Jira.
You can also export the risk register together with all columns you have in the view in CSV and share it externally.
Coming soon:
Risk assessment in issue view
Track progress on your risk Mitigation plan
release date: 13th October 2022
Risk management is not only about prioritizing and finding risks but also about taking action on them.
Now in Hedge, you can track your progress against the risk and your mitigation plan using the "Action progress' column in the Risk register table. Here you can see the high-level progress on your mitigation plan - all issues that are linked to the risk with "mitigates risk" link type in Jira.
There is also the option to customize what issue links are taken in consideration in the risk register settings > General settings > Action progress.
Drill down risk reports, Risk level icons, and more!
If you have any questions or suggestions on how to improve the app feel free to get in touch with us via our Appfire support portal..
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