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With Issue Matrix Cloud, you can set up actions to that allow users to easily create and link new issues using predefined Project, Issue Type, and Link Type configurations. You can configure the actions when creating an Issue Links matrix, and then access these actions from the Issue Matrix panel in the issue view screen.

To find the actions in the issue view screen, just look for the more menu (more menu ) in the upper right corner of the Matrix panel. You'll see them listed there, as shown in (1) and (2) on the screenshot below.



Users without Create or Link issues permissions for the specified project will not be able to see the configured actions in the more menu (“”) of the Issue Matrix panel.

Create and Link Actions configuration


  1. Go to Project settings or Project settings > Apps for team-managed projects.

  2. From the left menu, choose Issue Matrix configuration.

  3. If you are creating a new matrix, click the Add Matrix button on the Issue Matrices page and select the Issue Links as type from the dropdown. If you want to configure actions for an existing Issue Links type matrix, click the pencil icon in its Actions column.

  4. Navigate to Actions > Create and Link Actions in the configuration.

  5. Configure the settings for creating and linking issuesSet up a create and link action by choosing:

  • Name - The link action title that will be shown in the more menu (more menu ) dropdown just above the Matrix panel.

  • Project - The project of where the newly created new issue will be added.

  • Issue Type - The type of the new issue.

  • Link Type - The type of the link type between the currently viewed and the newly created issue.




Selecting Current Project in the Action configuration

When configuring a new Create and Link action, you have the option to add all new issues to the Current Project. The Current Project refers to the project of the currently open issue. However, if you have configured the Issue Matrix for two or more linked projects and you choose an issue type that is not available in all linked projects, a ⚠️ warning will be displayed next to the issue type in the action configuration (see the screenshot above).

The warning message will provide a list of projects where the chosen issue type is available and notify you that the action will only be available in those specific projects.

How to create and link new issues?


  1. Open an issue in a project that has an Issue Links Matrix set up.

  2. Click the "more " menu(“”) in the top-right corner of the Issue Matrix panel.

  3. Choose a preconfigured action from the dropdown menu.

  4. The Create issue screen will appear with Project, Issue Type, and Linked Issues fields pre-filled with the values configured for the selected Issue Matrix’s actionfrom the Matrix configuration.
    Enter a Summary

    Image Added
  5. Enter the required fields for the new issue.

  6. Modify the pre-filled values for the Project, Issue Type, and Issue Link Type fields if needed.
    ⚠️ Note that some projects may not display the Linked Issues field (which defines the link type) on the Create issue screen for the specified issue type. If this is the case, the new issue will still be created and linked to the current issue, but users will not be able to modify the preconfigured link type for the action.

  7. Add any other necessary information, then click Create to finish. If you want to create and link additional issues, select the Create another checkbox before clicking Create.

  8. The new issue will be added to the project and linked to the current issue. If Create another is selected, all issues will be added to the project and linked to the current issue after the user creates their last issue.


How to fix problems


in projects with a missing Linked Issues field on the Create issue screen?

Problem: When creating and linking a new issue in a project that doesn, for some projects, the issue may be created but not linked. This can happen in projects that don't have the Linked Issues field (i.e., the field which defines the link type) present on its their Create issue screen, the issue may be created but not linked. If the Create another checkbox is selected, the created issues may all fail to link to the current issue.


  1. Find the newly created issue in your project.

  2. Open the issue that you want to link the new issue to.

  3. Go to the more menu() > Link Issue.

  4. Manually add the issue key of the new issue and select the link type.

  5. Click Link to link the issues.
