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Table of Contents

Getting Started

If you have used Confluence Server REST APIs before then you are well on your way to using the Flow Board REST APIs. For those who have not used Confluence REST APIs, or for those who want a refresher, these resources will get you started:


When you start testing you usage of the Flow Board REST APIs and you are viewing the board in a browser to verify results remember to refresh the page after you operate on an object using the API from curl or your REST client tool. The refresh could be necessary to reload the JSON for the object you have modified.

Table of Contents

Flow Board REST APIs

There is no REST API to create a Board. A create API may be included as part of the work for Flow Board import/copy operations, eg: "Import JSON to a single board" "Copy board"
Feel free to add your vote or comments to any of our Jira items for Flow Board (


The REST APIs verify access is permitted to the resources being operated upon by the caller. Some APIs are admin-only and those are identified as such.


DELETE <base URL>/rest/flowboard/1.0/boards/{boardId}/archived-cards/{cardId}


get Card Comments

use the get Card API


create Card Comment

POST <base URL>/rest/flowboard/1.0/cards/comments

The body of the post contains the card ID and the comment content.

The comment content can be a plain string (legacy style) or a serialized document (type=quill or type=string). Quill is the type of comment content that is created when user enters a comment using the UI


content as a serialized quill document, like a comment created by the UI:

Code Block

content as a serialized plain text document:

Code Block

content as string (legacy for support of Flow Board app version 1):

Code Block


update Card Comment

PUT <base URL>/rest/flowboard/1.0/cards/comments

See the API for create Card Comment for syntax of the body


delete Card Comment

DELETE <base URL>/rest/flowboard/1.0/cards/comments/{commentId}

Get the comment ID with the get Card API
