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standard license for plugin versions marked Paid by Atlassian 


Unless otherwise noted, all plugin versions by Bob Swift Software, LLC marked Paid by Atlassian in the Atlassian Marketplace follow the standard Atlassian Marketplace Terms of Use with an extension defined below. EULA stands for End User License Agreement.

Copyright (c) 2005, 2013 Bob Swift Software, LLC. All rights reserved. This software is licensed under the provisions of the "Standard EULA" from  the "Atlassian Marketplace Terms of Use" as a "Marketplace Product".  Reference is: The "Standard EULA" is reproduced here for convenience. The this case, the "Publisher" is Bob Swift Software, LLC. Standard EULA (i) The Publisher is the licensor of the Marketplace Product and Atlassian is not a party to the Publisher EULA or this Standard EULA, as applicable. (ii) If the Marketplace Product does not include a Publisher EULA that  specifies Marketplace Product license rights, Publisher grants you a  limited, worldwide, non-exclusive, non-transferable and non-sublicensable license to download and use the Marketplace Product only on hardware  systems owned, leased or controlled by you. (iii) Licenses granted by Publisher are granted subject to the condition that you must ensure the maximum number of Authorized Users that are able to access and use the Marketplace Product concurrently is equal to the  number of User Licenses for which the necessary fees have been paid to Atlassian and/or its authorized partners (each, an "Atlassian Expert").  You may purchase additional User Licenses at any time on payment of the  appropriate fees to Atlassian or an Atlassian Expert. "User License"  means a license granted under this EULA to you to permit an Authorized  User to use the Marketplace Product. The number of User Licenses granted to you is dependent on the fees paid by you. "Authorized User" means a  person who accesses and uses a Marketplace Product under the EULA and for which the necessary fees have been paid to Atlassian and/or an  Atlassian Expert. (iv) Any information that Publisher collects from you or your device will be subject to any Publisher EULA, privacy notice, or similar terms that  the Publisher provides to you, and will not be subject to the Atlassian  Privacy Policy (unless Atlassian is the Publisher). (v) You may not modify, reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the  Marketplace Product in whole or in part, or create any derivative works from or sublicense any rights in the Marketplace Product, unless  otherwise expressly authorized in writing by Publisher. (vi) The Marketplace Product is protected by copyright and other  intellectual property laws and treaties. Unless otherwise expressly  stated in the Publisher EULA, Publisher or its licensors own all title, copyright and other intellectual property rights in the Marketplace  Product, and the Marketplace Product is licensed to you directly by the Publisher, not sold. End of Standard EULA Publisher Extensions: (i) End User may make a limited number of copies of the Software as is  strictly necessary for purposes of data protection, archiving, backup,  and testing and internal development (e.g., of End User Modifications or End-User Plug-ins, as defined below, but not development of End User's  unrelated products or services) ("Non-Production Purposes"). For clarity, End User's employees and contractors may use the Software for these  Non-Production Purposes, and End User will be responsible for their  compliance with this Agreement on all the same terms as for Authorized  Users, except that these users will not count against End User's limit  of Authorized Users, and End User will not need to pay additional fees  for these users. Unless the Publisher agrees otherwise in writing, End  User may only install, use or make available the Software on End User's  hardware systems, whether owned, leased or controlled. End User will be  responsible for any use of the Software on any hardware systems not owned,  leased or controlled by End User ("Uncontrolled Systems")
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If you are looking for our End User License Agreement, the location has changed. The new location is: Bob Swift Atlassian Apps EULA. Please update your bookmarks and page links accordingly.


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