Button handy |
blank | true |
color | #0052CC |
name | Send Feedback |
link | https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScmToBe3vynAlb5fdKwCGxYqnTbDc66sIBgeecG2BuFDuHc7g/viewform?entry.2002826954=getVersions+-+15489745 |
width | auto |
Table plus |
applyColStyleToCell | true |
heading | 0 |
columnTypes | s,s,s,s |
multiple | false |
columnAttributes | style="background:#e5e7ea;font-weight:bold,,style="background:#e5e7ea;font-weight:bold, |
enableSorting | false |
Syntax | admGetProjectVersionsgetVersions(pkey) | Package | adm | Alias | admGetProjectVersions(pkey) //deprecated | Pkg Usage | getVersions(pkey) |
Excerpt |
Returns all the project versions. |
Returns all the project versions.
Table plus |
applyColStyleToCell | true |
columnTypes | s,s,s,s |
heading | 0 |
multiple | false |
enableSorting | false |
Parameter name | Type | Required | Description |
pkey | String | Yes | Project key. |
Return Type
String []
All the project versions, unsorted, as returned by the underlying Jira layer. The meaning that v2 comes after v1.3 is to be addressed in the script, not in this routineorder of the returned versions can be set in a separate script.
See also
Filter by label (Content by label) |
showLabels | false |
max | 25 |
showSpace | false |
cql | label = "version_admin_routine" and space = currentSpace ( ) |
labels | array_routines |