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Create clone operation
The following video shows you how to create a clone operation.
To create a new clone operation:
In the Set fields section, do the following:
In the Select a field drop-down list, select a field for which you want to define values to be used while cloning.
In the Select drop-down list, define a value for the field either by selecting a value from the available list or using substitution variables.
Click + Add set field to add more fields and assign value to them.
In the Select field includes drop-down list, select one or more fields you want to copy to the cloned issue. The field values are copied to the cloned issue irrespective of the changes while cloning.
In the Select field excludes drop-down list, select one or more fields you want to be excluded in the cloned issue. The field values are excluded for the cloned issue even when you add or edit them while cloning.
In the Select Project includes drop-down list, select one of the following:
One or more projects you want to include while cloning.
All projects to include all the projects while cloning.
Same project to clone an issue into the same project by default.
In the Select Issue type includes drop-down list, select one the the following:
One or more issue types you want to be available while cloning.
All issue types to display all the issue types while cloning.
Same issue type to clone an issue into the same project by default.
Select the Add link checkbox to create an issue link from the original issue to the cloned issue.
In the link drop-down list, select the required link from the original issue to the cloned issue while cloning. By default, the is cloned by option is selected. You can select any link available on the Settings ⚙️ > Issues > Issue linking page.
In the Clone Options section, do the following:
Select the Select all checkbox to copy all the issue details to the cloned issue. (or)
Select one or more options from the list to copy the required issue details to the cloned issue. The available options are:
Issues in epic
Subtasks of issues in epic
Subtasks estimates of issues in epic to cloned subtasks
Subtasks estimates to cloned subtasks
Reporter of parent issue to each cloned subtask
Fix and affect versions from parent issue to each cloned subtask
Keep original comment author and date
In the Activecolumn, you can turn on or off the toggle to activate or de-activate the available clone options. If a clone option is set to active, you can select or clear the option as required while cloning. If a clone option is set to inactive, the clone option is disabled for any further modification while cloning.
Click Next.
The Save clone operation page is displayed.