If you use output=wiki, the table is produced using wiki table notation. Data found within the table may contain wiki text that may interfere with the formatting of the table.
Such values either need to be escaped or surrounded by constructs that prevent this. Modify your sql SQL statement to do this.
- Use a panel
No Format |
'{panel:borderStyle=none|bgColor=#ffffff} ' || myfield || ' {panel}' |
- Use a div - needs the Adaptivist Content Formatting add-onapp
No Format |
'{div:style=left:1em;right:1em} ' || myfield || ' {div}' |
No Format | ||
| ||
-- Function: confluence_panel(text) -- DROP FUNCTION confluence_panel(text); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION confluence_panel(text) RETURNS text AS $BODY$ select '{panel:borderStyle=none|bgColor=#ffffff} ' || $1 || ' {panel}' $BODY$ LANGUAGE 'sql' STABLE COST 100; ALTER FUNCTION confluence_panel(text) OWNER TO postgres; COMMENT ON FUNCTION confluence_panel(text) IS 'Confluence - wrap a panel around a string'; |
Then, the examples above are much easier: