templateOption | {"label":"StepbyStep Guide cloud ready","value":"470092708","templateType":"template"} |
templateTypeOption | {"label":"Confluence template/blueprint","value":"template"} |
templateId | 470092708 |
excerpt | Here's a step-by-step guide to use Salesforce Table macro in you Confluence cloud instance. Ingredients Apps Salesforce and Confluence Cloud Connector Macros Salesforce Table Guide Create a Salesforce Table macro in a Confluence page. Edit the macro to view the Edit Salesforce Table pop-up window: If you already have a Saved Filter, you can choose it from the dropdown box. If not, you can create one first (See: Using Saved Filters ) or you can instead provide a SOQL query instead (see: Step 4 ). Then, choose the Connection you'd like to use. The default Connection will be displayed ( as configured by the Confluence administrator ). If you don't have a Saved Filter configured, you may enter a SOQL query instead: For this example, we have entered: SELECT Name, Description, Phone FROM Account Which means we want to search for all Salesforce Object fields with Name , Description , and Phone from a Salesforce Account. When you Save the page, you will see the result below. Notes Not applicable. Result |
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