Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The way data is aggregated for a given field can be modified. The available aggregation and display options will vary depending on the type of field added as a column.Image Removed



New A new Time tracing tracking formula is now available: Time spent / (Time spent + Remaining estimate) *100%.


You can add the same field multiple times but with different aggregation configuration configurations, e.g., to compare initial estimates at an Epic or Feature level with bottom-up estimates, add the story points twice, and set "sum no parent" on one of the fields.

Pay attention to the origin of a field. More information can be found on the Concept of a field page.Image Removed




Columns preview

Preview your column setup.

Column configuration - Display

Select how to display the available data. The most common options include:

  • Text

  • Lozenge

  • Date

  • Date with time

Fields such as Time Tracking have additional options:

  • Progress

  • Progress with %

  • Reported/expected progress

  • Reported/expected progress %

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Column configuration -Aggregation

Select how the data will be aggregated on the parent level of WBS:

  • None

  • Minimum

  • Maximum

  • Sum

  • Sum without parent

  • Average

  • Average without parent

  • Children by status category (Sum without parent aggregation is used)

  • Children by status category % (Sum without parent aggregation is used)

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Tree root

Select the field next to


display the WBS tree (task hierarchy)

will be displayed


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Remove column

Remove the field column from the task list.

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Field name

List of available fields which can be added as a column to the task list.

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Field type

Type of available fields - depending on the type, different display and aggregation options will be available.

Add field

Add a field as a column.

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Column configuration

Select the display and aggregation settings.

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Field search box

Search the list of available fields.

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