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How to configure Issue Matrix for Jira Cloud
Configuring an Issue Matrix is a quick and intuitive task. You can Each project or team has unique needs in their day-to-day tasks. Issue matrices help you meet these needs by displaying different information in the issue views of each project. To achieve this, simply create matrices of your choice in a any project and configure their context, data, and visualization options.
You can create matrices of four five different types:
Sub-task Matrix - shows the sub-tasks of the current issue.
Issue Links Matrix - shows issues linked to the current issue.
Epic Matrix - shows the issues linked to the current epic issue.
JQL Matrix - shows issues returned by a custom JQL query.
Similar Matrix - shows issues similar to the current issue
In the matrix configuration, you can specify issues of which types will be displayed in the matrix panel, for example, stories, sub-tasks, defects bugs, etc.
For multi-project matrices, you can specify issue types per project. Respectively, a given project’s matrix panel will display only the issues selected from that project.
To create and configure Issue Matrices:
On your Jira Cloud instancesite, navigate your Project settings or Project settings > Apps for team-managed projects.
On the left menu, choose Issue Matrix configuration.
On the Issue Matrices page, click the Add Matrix button.
Choose the type of the Issue Matrix from the list: Sub-tasks, Issue Links, Epic, JQL, or JQL Similar.
Context: On the create Add Matrix page, configure the context of the Issue Matrix: choose the projects and the issue types for each project where the Issue Matrix panel will be shown.
Learn more about project linkingType: In the Type section, choose the issue types shown on in your Issue Matrix.
Data > Columns: Configure the information columns (custom fields, columns width, their widthcolumns headers, and headersaggregations) the Issue Matrix will show. The columns you can choose between are custom fields from your Jira Cloud instance
Data > Results: (not applicable to the Similar Matrix type) Select the maximum number of issues to be displayed in the Issue Matrix panel and set the number of results per page.
Data > Categories: (Optional) Configure issue categories to organize and highlight specific issues more easily using colors.
Sort By: For the Sub-task, Issue Links, and Epic type Issue matrices, you have the option to can set a default sort order for the issues displayed in the Issue Matrix panel. You can choose one or more columns as a default sorting criteria among the sortable custom field list.
For JQL matrices, sorting can be achieved using sort clauses in the JQL query.
Save the configuration.
Preview: Enter an issue key in the Preview area to see how the matrix panel will appear in this issue.
Save the configuration.