Info |
This feature is available for the Jira server deployment option only. We plan to add it to the Cloud version in the near future. |
Validators check that any input available to the transition (such as user-supplied input) is valid before the transition is performed. If a transition's validator 'fails', the transition's post functions will not be executed and the issue will not progress to the destination step of the transition.
You can use Power Scripts™ for Jira and SIL™ to define a large set of validators beside the default validators offered by Jira, by just adding a (k) SIL™ Validator to a transition and publishing the workflow, as described here.
Below are just a few common examples:
Info |
Power Scripts™ for Jira (server) Level: BASIC |
A validator that forces users to enter a comment during a transition, otherwise displaying a customized error message:
Code Block |
string errorMsg = "You must enter a comment!";
if(!hasInput("comment")) {
return false, "comment", errorMsg;
} |
Field has single value
A SIL™ validator for checking if a multi-valued field does not contain more than one value during a transition:
Code Block |
string errorMsg = "You must choose a single fix version!";
if(size(fixVersions) > 1) {
return false, "fixVersions", errorMsg;
} |
Parent status
A SIL™ validator which ensures that the current issue's parent issue is in one of the specified Statuses:
Code Block |
string[] statuses = {"Opened", "Reopened"};
string errorMsg = "Parent issue should have status Opened or Reopened!";
if(!isNull(parent) && !elementExists(statuses, parent.status)) {
return false, errorMsg;
} |
Validation based on regular expression
A SIL™ validator which checks if a text field matches a regular expression (eg for a social number):
Code Block |
string errorMsg = "Invalid social number format.";
string REGEXP = "^\\d{3}-\\d{2}-\\d{4}$";
if(!matches(customfield_10100, REGEXP)) {
return false, "customfield_10100", errorMsg;
} |
Force a custom field to be required if another field was set to a certain value
A SIL™ validator which makes custom field Product with id customfield_10200 required in the resolve screen only if the resolution was set to Fixed:
Code Block |
string errorMsg = "To resolve the issue as 'Fixed' you should give a value to field 'Product'.";
if(resolution == "Fixed" && !hasInput("customfield_10200")) {
return false, "customfield_10200", errorMsg;
} |
In a similar way, you can make any custom field required based on another custom field value:
Code Block |
string errorMsg = "The Address field is required.";
if(customfield_10100 == "Yes" && !hasInput("customfield_10200")) {
return false, "customfield_10200", errorMsg;
} |
In the above example we assume that the field with id customfield_10100 is a select list with options Yes and No, and when Yes option is selected, field Address with id customfield_10200 should be required.
Ensure that the issue has at least one attachment
A SIL™ validator which checks if an issue has any file attached during a transaction:
Code Block |
string errorMsg = "At least one file must be attached to the issue.";
if(size(attachments) == 0) {
return false, errorMsg;
} |
Validation on linked issues
Blocking Start Progress transition whenever current issue has a link of type Blocks with an issue in a status different from Resolved and Closed:
Code Block |
string errorMsg = "Progress can't start because there is at least one blocking issue.";
string[] statuses = {"Resolved", "Closed"};
string[] blockingIssues = linkedIssues(key, "Blocks");
for(string issue in blockingIssues) {
if(!elementExists(statuses, %issue%.status)) {
return false, errorMsg;
} |
Forbidding issue links of types Blocks and Cloners with issues of type Bug:
Code Block |
string errorMsg = "Issue links of types 'Blocks' and 'Cloners' with 'Bugs' are forbidden.";
string[] links = {"Blocks", "Cloners"};
for(string link in links) {
string[] linkedIssues = linkedIssues(key, link);
for(string issue in linkedIssues) {
if(%issue%.issueType == "Bug") {
return false, errorMsg;
} |
Validation on non-linked issue
Preventing a transition from being executed if the rest of issues in the project aren't closed:
Code Block |
string errorMsg = "There are still unclosed issues in the current project.";
string[] issues = selectIssues("project = " + project + " AND status != Closed AND key != " + key);
if(size(issues) > 0) {
return false, errorMsg;
} |
Validation based on mathematical expression
A SIL™ validator which checks if a numeric custom field is greater than or equal to 0:
Code Block |
string errorMsg = "The number should be greater or equal to 0";
if(sign(customfield_10101) == -1) {
return false, "customfield_10101", errorMsg;
} |
The sign routine determines the sign of a number. It returns 1 if the number is positive, zero (0) if the number is 0, and -1 if the number is negative.
More useful mathematical routines can be found in the Math routines section.
Validation based on date-time expression
A SIL™ validator which checks if due date is before current date:
Code Block |
string errorMsg = "The due date of the issue was exceeded!";
if(dueDate < currentDate()) {
return false, "duedate", errorMsg;
} |
More useful date routines can be found in the Date Routines section.
Compare two parsed texts
A SIL™ validator which checks if description contains summary:
Code Block |
string errorMsg = "Description must contain summary";
if(!contains(description, summary)) {
return false, "description", errorMsg;
} |
Users in a field are/aren't in a project role
A SIL™ validator which checks if users selected in a multi user picker custom field are in a given project role:
Code Block |
string PROJECT_ROLE = "Developers";
for(string user in customfield_10500) {
if(!isUserInRole(user, project, PROJECT_ROLE)) {
string errorMsg = "User " + user + " is not in project role " + PROJECT_ROLE;
return false, "customfield_10500", errorMsg;
} |
A custom field is/isn't initialized
A SIL™ validator which checks if a custom field is initialized during transaction:
Code Block |
string errorMsg = "Field was not initialized!";
if(!hasInput("customfield_10500")) {
return false, "customfield_10500", errorMsg;
} |
Check user property
A SIL™ validator which checks if a user property has a certain value:
Code Block |
string COUNTRY = "Romania";
string errorMsg = "Assignee country must be " + COUNTRY;
if(getUserProperty(assignee, "country") != COUNTRY) {
return false, "assignee", errorMsg;
} |
See also