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In this section:


Rich Filter

Select the rich filter the gadget will use.

Click on the Rich Filter button to display the list of rich filters; you can either scroll through or use the search box to find the filter you need.


The gadgets’ configuration forms only show the rich filters you are allowed to view. See the Rights and Permissions documentation page for details.

Quick Filters & sections

Once you have selected a rich filter for your gadget, you can customize which quick filters you want to display in your controller. By default, controllers show all available quick filters. You can use the radio buttons to change this and display only JQL filtering or you can choose to customize in detail which quick filters to show and in what order using the last option.

If you choose the Customize shown filters option, the configuration form will change to display the list of quick filters. You can add, remove or reorder (drag and drop the vertical “grid” icon) the quick filters to be displayed. 

You can also organize your quick filters in named sections. 

Besides the individual quick filters, the custom list menu also contains three “group” options: All Static, All Dynamic and All Smart. If these options are used, the gadget will display in their place all the quick filters of the specified type except those that are explicitly included. For example, you can use this to show the Labels dynamic filter first, then all static filters, and then all dynamic filters other than Labels, if any.
