Variable | Description | Notes |
base_url | Base URL |
user_id | User id of user that is considered to be doing the action |
user_key | User key of user that is considered to be doing the action |
user_name | Display name of user that is considered to be doing the action |
now | Current date/time on the Jira server in Jira complete date/time format or a specific format |
parent_project, original_project | Project key of the issue |
parent_project_id, original_project_id | Project id (numeric) of the issue |
project_name, parent_project_name, original_project_name | Project name for the issue |
project_category, parent_project_category, original_project_category | Project category name for the project of the issue | Blank if the project does not have a category configured. |
project_lead, parent_project_lead, original_project_lead | User id of the project lead. |
parent_key, original_key | Issue key |
parent_id, original_id | Issue numeric id |
parent_summary, original_summary | Summary |
parent_description, original_description | Description |
parent_environment, original_environment | Environment |
parent_issuetype, original_issuetype | Issue type |
parent_status, original_status | Issue status |
parent_priority, original_priority | Priority |
parent_reporter, original_reporter | Reporter user id |
parent_assignee, original_assignee | Assignee user id |
parent_components, original_components | Comma separated list of components |
parent_component_descriptions, original_component_descriptions | Comma separated list of component descriptions. Some may be blank. |
parent_affected_versions, original_affected_versions, parent_affects_versions, original_affects_versions | Comma separated list of affected version names |
parent_fixed_versions, original_fixed_versions, parent_fix_versions, original_fix_versions | Comma separated list of fixed version names |
parent_subtasks, original_subtasks | Comma separated list of subtask issue keys |
parent_issuelinks, original_issuelinks | Comma separated list of issue keys for links (not subtasks) to/from the issue |
parent_duedate, original_duedate | Due date in JIRA DMY date format or a specific format |
parent_created, original_created | Created date in JIRA complete date/time format or a specific format |
parent_updated, original_updated | Update date in JIRA complete date/time format or a specific format |
parent_resolution, original_resolution | Resolution |
parent_resolution_date, original_resolution_date | Resolution date in JIRA complete date/time format or a specific format |
parent_labels, original_labels | Blank separated list of labels |
parent_labels_comma_separated, original_labels_comma_separated | Comma separated list of labels |
parent_watchers, original_watchers | Comma separated list of watcher user ids |
parent_watches, original_watches | Number of watchers of the issue |
parent_voters, original_voters | Comma separated list of voter user ids |
parent_votes, original_votes | Number of votes for the issue |
parent_time_spent, original_time_spent | Time spent on the issue in minutes | Note the JIRA timeSpent field returns seconds. Since 9.3. |
parent_estimate, original_estimate | Current estimate for the issue in minutes | Since 9.3. |
parent_original_estimate, original_original_estimate | Time spent on the issue in minutes | Note the 2 different meanings of the original word here . Since 9.3. |
parent_security_level, original_security_level | Security level name |
parent_issue_restriction, orginal_issue_restriction | Issue restriction for nextgen (simplified) project issues | Since 9.4. |
parent_<customfield name> | Parent issue's custom field value | Must be an exact match including case and blanks. |
parent_<customfield id> | Parent issue's custom field value | Example: parent_customfield_10010. |
original_<customfield name> | Original issue's custom field value | Similar to above. |
original_<customfield id> | Original issue's custom field value | Similar to above. Example: original_customfield_10010. |
jql_result_count | Number of issues returned by the last getIssueList action using '–options cacheJqlResult' | Since 9.4. |
jql_result_list | Comma separated list of issue keys returned by the last getIssueList action using '–options cacheJqlResult' | Since 9.4. |
jql_result_n | The issue key for the nth issue returned by the last getIssueList action using '–options cacheJqlResult' where n is a number | Since 9.4. |
group_<group name> | Comma separated list of user ids (account ids for Cloud) for members in the group | Example: group_jira-users. Since 9.3. |
role_<role name> | Comma separated list of user ids (account ids for Cloud) for users that are role actors or members of group role actors for the project of the original issue | Example: role_developers. Since 9.3. |
function_<function name>(<parameters>) | Functions that derive useful text values that can be used as substitution variables. The parameter(s) may be a substitution variable. Tip |
tilte | Make sure you use the correct syntax! |
title | Make sure you use the correct syntax! |
| Set custom field: field: My custom field, value: %function_earliestUnreleasedVersion(%project%)% |
Notes- Field for fieldValue can be field name, custom field id, or id.
- Valid requests for versionInfo are: startDate, releaseDate, released, id.
| Open an improvement request if you have similar needs. Example: function_earliestUnreleasedVersion(%project%) Since 9.6