In the Advanced Table for Confluence app, the Jira Rest API shows displays 50 issues by default. In order to show more than 50 issues, you need to use &maxResults in the URL.
Please find the example below example where the maxResults for the URL is given as 100:
Code Block |
<Jira URL>/rest/api/2/searchjql=project=<projectname>&os_username=xxxx&os_password=xxxx&maxResults=100 |
It needs to be used inside Use &maxResults in the URL of JSON data and get the result field to retrieve the results. Please check the the screenshot below screenshot for reference:
In the above this example, maxResults is given as results in 100 issues. It previews 100 issues of the given project. You can use any number , which is greater than 50 to show those many records through the Jira Rest API.
Info |
The maximum number which can be used limit for maxResults is 1000. |