Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Append data from other projects or servers

Code Block
acli -a run \
  -i "bamboo.examplegear  -a getBuildReportList --project EXAMPLE --list PLAN1,PLAN2,PLAN3 -f @temp --field notState=UNKNOWN --dateFormat \"EEE HH:mm\" --columns -1,2,3" \
  -i "bamboo2.examplegear -a getBuildReportList --project EXAMPLE2 --regex PLAN.* -f @temp --append --field notState=UNKNOWN --dateFormat \"EEE HH:mm\" --columns -1,2,3" \
  -i "csv -a convertCsv --sourceFile @temp -f @temp --outputType text --headingAugments \",,Succ,Fail,Skip,Quar\" --options screenwidth=999 " \
  -i "slack -a sendMessage --channel ${} -f @temp --options markdown=code "

Show where report came from

Add the following to your script if you are running it from Bamboo

Code Block
# Show where the message come from - this build! This makes it easy to re-run the report after the problems have been fixed:    
acli slack -a sendMessage --channel ${} --content '[{"type": "context","elements": [{"type": "mrkdwn","text": "Reported from ${bamboo.resultsUrl}"}]}]'

Use script variables

When running from a Bamboo using a script, you can use simple scripting to help standardize the acli action across multiple builds for similar reports. This highlights the key differences and makes it easier to read.

Code Block
#!/bin/bash -x
set -e  # error on failure


acli -a run \
  -i "${site} -a getBuildReportList --list ${list} -f @temp --field notState=UNKNOWN --dateFormat \"EEE HH:mm\" --columns -1,2,3" \
  -i "csv -a convertCsv --sourceFile @temp -f @temp --outputType text --headingAugments \",,Succ,Fail,Skip,Quar\" --options screenwidth=999 " \
  -i "slack -a sendMessage --channel ${} -f @temp --options markdown=code "

# Show where the message come from - this build! This makes it easy to re-run the report after the problems have been fixed:
acli slack -a sendMessage --channel ${} --content '[{"type": "context","elements": [{"type": "mrkdwn","text": "Reported from ${bamboo.resultsUrl}"}]}]'