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This article explains how to add a user to a project role using the app the Run CLI Actions in Jira on Server instance app on server.


For this scenario, use the addProjectRoleActors action and userId parameter where: 

  • addProjectRoleActors: adding adds users or groups to a project role., and,
  • userId:  User id provides the User ID for user management and other actions. For some actions, a comma-separated list of idsIDs is required

Ensure that the project role(s)


exists on the global level. 

  1. The below Consider the following example shows a project key ", JIRACLI" , that has a role defined as jira-software-users.:
    Image Modified
  2. Execute the below CLI action by navigating Navigate to Admin > Manage Apps > Run Actions to execute the following CLI action:

    Code Block
    --action addProjectRoleActors --project "JIRACLI" --role "jira-software-users" --userId "Lucas"

The result of the above




is similar to


the following screenshot:

Image Modified

  • Make sure you have installed the


  • Run CLI action in Jira v9.2


  • app as the action addProjectRoleActors is compatible with


  • the app from v9.


  • 2.
  • It is recommended to test this scenario in a test


  • environment before implementing it in production.