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This article explains how to add values to five custom fields to issues at once to several issues in bulk, by using Jira Command Line Interface (CLI).


  1. Form a JQL query to find the target issue, where the custom field values need to be added. Please refer below sample JQL for reference:

    Code Block
    project = ABC AND issuetype = Story

  2. Using runFromIssueList and updateIssue actions, any number of field values can be updated.

    Code Block
    --action runFromIssueList --jql "project = ABC AND issuetype = Story" --common "-a updateIssue --issue @issue@ --field "select1=test1" --field "select2=test2" --field "select3=test3" --field "select4=test4" --field "select5=test5""

    In the above action:
    select1, select2, select3, select4, select5 are the text type custom fields and test1, test2, test3, test4, test5 are the corresponding values of the fields.
    --jql for the JQL query 
    --issue takes the issue key
    --field accepts the custom field ID or name

  3. If you want the action to be run against a CSV file, make sure the CSV file has the following columns as shown in the below screenshot:

    In the above screenshot, field1, field2, field3, field4, field5 are the custom field names.
  4. Run the action using runFromCsv as shown below:

    Code Block
    --action runFromCsv --file "/Users/Downloads/Atlassian/atlassian-cli-9.4.0-SNAPSHOT/filename.csv" --common "--action updateIssue"


It is recommended to test this scenario in a non-production environment or run the action with the --simulate parameter, to verify the behavior before implementing it in production.