This article explains a step by step instructions on how to copy the value of the next due date custom field into the due date field by using the COT app.
The following is the custom field called "next due date"(custom field type is a date) and its value is set to 18/Dev/19.
Update the post function from the respective workflow to copy the "next due date" value into the due date customfield custom field by following the below steps.
- Login as an Administrator in your Confluence instance.
- Select Select the projects from the right side of the panel.
- Click on the Project settings to administer the project
- Go to workflows section and click on the pencil icon from the workflow scheme.
- Click on the transition, you already set for(ex: Done) and update the post Functions
- Click on the post Functions and then Click on the pencil icon.
Click on Detailed Fields and then set the substitutional variable %original_customfield_10300% into the Due date field. As per this post Function, when you click on the Done status in the Jira issue from the respective project, the value of the next due date will be copied into the Due date custom field.
Note: Please follow the below steps to get the next due date custom field ID
1. Login as an Administrator in your Confluence instance.
2. Click on the Issues from the dropdown list
3. Go to Issues from the top menu bar and click on Custom Fields
4. Search for the next due date custom field and click on Cogwheel( and then click on Configure button.
5. You will see the custom Field ID from the URL.
You need to use the substitution variable to copy the value from the next due date to the due date field.