Problem statement


Problem statement

As part of the Platform changes related to GDPR, the CLI client is seeing a remote error while accessing the cloud instance.

Error message 

Code Block
Remote error: User is not authorized to perform the request. Response code: 401.


ApplicationConfluence, JIRA
Version Cloud
Add-on Version
App version8.4.0



As per the The recent GDPR guidelines issued by Atlassian, there is a change in the authentication parameters for the Cloud. The  The platform changes relate to removal or changes to REST APIs that are critical for CLI operations.


CLI users needing to access Cloud platforms will need to must upgrade their CLI client to the latest level version available as these GDPR platform changes rollout and finally complete. As part of GDPR changes the username parameter will be accepting , to access Cloud platforms. The Username and Password parameters accept only user email address and password as a token respectively. So to  To generate the respective token please follow the steps mentioned in point 2.

In order to resolve the issue, please follow the below steps.


 Download CLI client 8.5.0 from this location.

 Use the Email address as username and token as password.



  1. Click on your profile avatar on the bottom left corner.

  2. B. Click on Profile --> Manage your account --> Security

  3. C. Under Under API token, click on on Create and manage API tokens (If you see a blank screen, refresh the page Or open this in another browser)

  4. D. Then click on the button Create an API token. A token is created that needs to be copied and kept securely.

    Use it as --password parameter.


Perform the following to avoid the error:

  1. Download CLI client 8.5.0 from this location.

  2. Enter the following:

    • Username - User email address

    • Password - Token

Example for the Linux environment: 

Code Block
java -jar /opt/atlassian/cli/atlassian-cli-8.5.0/lib/jira-cli-8.5.0.jar --server --user "" --token rg97a5s4agsjsd732 "$@"

Example for the Windows environment:

Code Block
java -jar D:\CLI\atlassian-cli-8.5.0-distribution\atlassian-cli-8.5.0\lib\jira-cli-8.5.0.jar --server --user "" --password "jLBdxOCRPvsiOdu0XiBcA088" %*

Make sure