Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Create a CSV file with column headers: space, parent, title, and, file. If the file(s) are available at different locations, provide the full path of the HTML file(s) under the file column. 
    For this example, make sure that the required files, including the CSV file, are available in the CLI Client location. Enter the following values in Page.csv

    Image RemovedImage Added

    • Make sure that the HTML content in each file is valid so that the
    Confluence page displays
    • CLI command processes the content correctly.
    • If
    • an HTML file contains any
    errors, these are displayed on the Confluence page as well!
    • invalid or incomplete HTML tag(s), the CLI stops further process of that file, displays the relevant error(s), and, continues to process the remaining files, if any.

  2. Execute the following CLI command:

    Code Block
    --action runFromCsv --file Page.csv --common "--action storePage --noConvert" --continue

The output of the given example is displayed on a Confluence CLI page as per the command executedas follows:

Image RemovedImage Added

In the sidebar of the screenshot, note that a page is created for each HTML file mentioned under a parent page, Confluence CLI, as specified in Page.csv. Click any one of the options from the sidebar to view its content. The content of Page_6, for example, is displayed as:

Image Added


It is recommended to test the CLI actions in the a test environment before deploying in production.
