Versions Compared


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  • Execute this action for the trigger type PollingBamboo will 'poll' the selected source code repositories for code changes using a schedule.

    Code Block
    --action addTrigger --plan "MKTES-TP" --type "Polling" --description "polling trigger" --repository "test_training_mk" --schedule "3600"

  • Execute this action for the trigger type ScheduledBamboo will trigger scheduled builds of this plan based on a cron expression.

    Code Block
    --action addTrigger --plan "MKTES-TP" --type "Scheduled" --description "scheduled trigger" --schedule "1 0 0 ? * *"

  • c

  • It is recommended to test the commands in a non-production environment before running in the production.
  • Refer to this link for Cron-based scheduling.