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This article gives step by step instructions on how to give anonymous access to Confluence access to the space using Confluence CLI app.


Use addPermissions action to add the permissions to the Confluence spaces space along with the userId parameter. 


To give


anonymous access


to a single space:

  • Ensure that the CLI client file is updated with the required information. Run the following CLI action to add the view space permissions for the userId anonymous users in a space: 

    Code Block
    --action addPermissions --space ZCLI --permissions VIEWSPACE --userId anonymous

To  give Anonymous access


to multiple spaces:

  • In order to add permissions for to multiple spaces, you would need to create a CSV file with a single column name as named 'space' as follows.: 

    Once you have the CSV file, you can execute the following CLI command to add the permissions for multiple spaces:

    Code Block
    --action runfromCSV --file "addpermissionspace.csv" --common "--action addPermissions --permissions VIEWSPACE --userId anonymous --continue"

    The output of the above CLI command for space will be.:

The parameters used in the above actions are:

  • --space value refers to the space key.
  • --permissions value refers to comma separated list of space permissions.
  • --userId value refers to user id of the user whom you want to assign the permissions. 
  • --file file value refers to path to file based content.

  • Valid space permissions are: [VIEWSPACE, REMOVEOWNCONTENT, EDITSPACE, REMOVEPAGE, EDITBLOG, REMOVEBLOG, CREATEATTACHMENT, REMOVEATTACHMENT, COMMENT, REMOVECOMMENT, SETPAGEPERMISSIONS, REMOVEMAIL, EXPORTSPACE, SETSPACEPERMISSIONS]. Group or userId can also be a comma separated list of groups and userIds. Space permission support not available for Cloud.