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This article explains how to add Script task in Bamboo Job using Bamboo Command Line Interface (CLI)


Use the addTask action to create inline script task in Bamboo job. Refer to the sample command below:

Code Block
--action addTask --plan DEMO-NEW  --job "JOB1"  --taskKey SCRIPT --description "Scripted Task " --field scriptLocation=INLINE --field scriptBody="exit -1"

In above action:

  • --plan value refers to a Bamboo plan key.
  • --job value refers to the Bamboo job key.
  • --taskKey value refers to Bamboo task type.
  • --description value refers to task description.
  • --field parameter refers to specific script fields.
    • --field  scriptLocation=INLINE refers to  inline script type.
    • --field scriptBody="exit -1" refers body of INLINE scripts and " \n " used new lines
  • Additionally, --disable parameter can used to disable the task and --final parameter to script task as final task.


It is recommended to test it in a non-production environment or run the action with --simulate parameter to verify the behavior before deploying.