Parameter | Default | Macro Browser Label | Description |
heading | 1 | Heading rows | Number of rows to be considered as heading rows. Heading rows do not participate in column sorting. |
footing | 0 | Footing rows | Number of rows to be considered as footing rows. Footing rows do not participate in column sorting. |
enableSorting | true | Enable column sorting | Set to false to disable sorting. |
enableHighlighting | true | Enable row highlighting on mouse over | As the mouse moves over a table row, the row will be highlighted by default. Set to false to stop this behavior. |
sortColumn | | Auto sort column | The table can be auto sorted before it is displayed by any valid column name or number provided by this parameter. No auto sorting will be done if this value is not provided or is invalid. A column number is a 1-based count of columns (excluding auto number column). |
sortDescending | false | Sort descending | If sortColumn is used, this determines the order of the sort that is automatically done before display. |
sortTip | | Sort tip on mouse over | Text displayed when mouse is over a sortable column. Normally, this value is Click to sort or equivalent translation. |
sortIcon | false | Show sort icon | Use true to include a sort icon in the first heading row for sortable columns. An icon will show for the last column sorted indicating the direction the column was sorted. |
highlightColor | lightgoldenrodyellow | Highlight color | Color of row when mouse is over a row element. See Web colors for how to specify. |
autoNumber | false | Auto number on each row | Use true to show an additional column that show row number for each data row. |
autoNumberSort | false | Auto number sort | Use true to enable the auto number column to be sortable. This will retain the original data row count even after row sorting. |
autoTotal | false | Auto total row | Use true to append a row to the end of the table that will contain totals of all numeric columns. |
columnTypes | | Column types | Normally all columns are treated as strings for sorting purposes unless a more specific sort type is provided either by the macro logic (SQL Macro) or by this parameter. The parameter is a comma separated list of column type indicators to identify column types. - S - string
- I - integer
- F - float (since 5.1.0 may contain comma numeric separator)
- FC - float with comma as decimal separator and period as numeric separator (since 5.1.0)
- C - currency or similar where it is a float value with pre or post characters
- CC - C with comma as decimal separator (since 5.1.0)
- D - date in the browser date format. See advanced date sorting for more information
- E - emotions or other HTML elements (since 5.0.0)
- X - exclude this column from user selectable sorting
- H - hide the column
- . or - or : or / - separated numbers, like phone numbers or TCP addresses. Valid values are multiple integer numbers separated by one of the separators indicated by the type.
columnAttributes | | Column attributes | A comma separated list of values used to modify cell attributes for all cells in a column. The position in the comma separated list corresponds to the column that the values apply to. Each value is a double semi-colon list of attributeName=value pairs that will be applied to the column cells. |
enableHeadingAttributes | true | Enable heading attributes | Any column attributes provided will be applied to the all column rows including heading rows. Use false to have the column attributes apply only to data rows. |
id | auto generated | Table id | Table id can be referenced for use in macros (like the chart macro) or javascript. |
class | @default | Table class | Sets the class of the table. Normally, it will be confluenceTable. Use a blank (one or more spaces) value to not have any table class. |
style | | Table style | Style attributes can be set. For example: font-style:italic; background:lightblue;. |
rowStyles | | Table row styles | A comma separated list of styles. Each style is made up of one or more properties. The first is applied to all heading rows determined by the heading parameter. The remaining styles are applied to the remaining rows in order with repetition as necessary. Example: , background:lightyellow;, background:lightblue; |
retainRowStyleOrder | true | Retain row style order after sorting | When selected, the row styles correspond to the order the rows are displayed on the screen. When not selected, the original style given to a row is retained not matter where the row lands after sorting. |
width | | Table width | In pixels or %. Recommend using style settings instead. |
border | | Table border width | In pixels. Set class to blank also. Recommend using style settings instead. |