Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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This page lists common capabilities that the Advanced Table for Confluence macros provide when creating or updating tables. A Javascript enabled browser is required to enable most of these capabilities.


  • Column sorting - sort a column by clicking a column heading. Clicking again reverses the order. 
  • Data specific sorting - sort columns according to the type of data (text, numbers, dates, and so on). Click column heading to sort. See the Column types parameter for more information about supported data types.
  • Column selection - show or hide specific columns. Specify column names or numbers to be shown or hidden.
  • Download and export tables - download tables (available since version 2.7) or export as an attachment (available since version 2.8) as a CSV file. Specify custom file delimiter (available since version 2.9) for the table view to be downloaded or exported.
  • Data filtering - filter table data with regular expressions. See Regular expressions. Retains the row and column styles after filtering data.
  • Auto sort of selected column - automatically sort the table based on a specific column name or number before rendering the table on the page.
  • Auto numbering of rows - automatically add a leading column that contains the row number.
  • Auto totaling of numeric columns - automatically total the numeric columns specified in Column typesSee Column types for more information.
  • Row highlighting on mouseover - highlight a row when mouse goes over any row element for non-heading rows.
  • Row styles - set CSS styles at the row level. Can override default Confluence styles to apply user-defined styles to each row cell directly. Available since version 2.8.
  • Column styles - set CSS styles at the column level. Can override default Confluence styles to apply user-defined styles to each column cell directly. Available since version 2.8.
  • Column attributes - set HTML attributes for columns. Specify the required attributes in a comma-separated list where attributes for a column must be separated with double semi-colons (;;).


    Certain attributes such as style, class, colspan, rowspan, and so on, are rendered directly to the page. Other attributes are hidden from being displayed on the page but can be viewed from the page source (right-click the page and select View page source in most browsers).

  • Table attributes - set table class, table style, and row styles - See How to style table columns.

Common parameters

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