Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Version schemes are collections of version entries that can be used when a project is created.

Create new Version Scheme

  1. From the Cog menu Image Modified, select Manage apps.

  2. Locate the Delegated Project Creator section in the left sidebar and


  1. select Project Templates Settings


  1.  to display the Configure Project Templates Settings page.

  2. From the Version Schemes tab,

    1. Enter a user-friendly name for the Version Scheme.

    2. Click the Add button (Image Modified).


    1. Image Added
  1. Once the scheme is created, click Add


  1. versions to add version entries to the scheme.

Edit or delete an existing Version Scheme

From the Version Schemes tab,

  • Click Edit (Image Modified) next to an existing Version Scheme to edit that scheme. You can then add any number of version names and descriptions, and


    click Done


     to save your changes.

  • Click Delete (Image Modified) next to an existing Version Scheme to delete that scheme. You are prompted for confirmation before you delete a version scheme.

  • Hover over the Name field of an existing Version Scheme and click the pencil icon (Image Modified) to edit the scheme name inline. Then, click Save (Image Modified) to save your changes or Revert (Image Modified) to discard your changes.

  • If you have an existing project with a set of Versions you'd like to use as a Version Scheme,


    click Create scheme from project


     to create a scheme based on that project.


Editing a version scheme does not affect any projects previously created using that scheme.
