
The Global Configuration applies to all spaces. To change the application configuration, go to (blue star) Manage Apps → User-installed apps →Easy → Easy Numbered Heading → Configure. The Configure LaTeX Math Easy Numbered Heading page is displayed. The following are the parameters you can configure as per your requirement:


This option allows you to select whether numbering is enabled or disabled by default on new pages. The setting can be overridden for each space, to change go to Space Settings Tools Content ToolsNumbered Heading.




Enable automatic numbering of headings


This option allows you to generate heading numbers automatically. Uncheck this box to disable automatic heading numbering.

Disable numbering for Scroll exports


This option is applicable only if you are using Scroll application to export. Uncheck this box to disable numbering when you export using Scroll application.

Continous numbering across all pages in space (experimental)


Continous numbering across all pages in export

