How to use it
Go to an issue and check the users available for selection by clicking the user picker icon or by typing something in the input.
Only users retrieved from the SIL™ script will be available for selection (in this case administrators and developers).edit it. This is how the field will look like:
Select a user from the list of users available for selection, by filling at least 2 characters.
Select the necessary user and save it on the current issue. The field value appears on the right side of the view issue screen, in the People section:
3. Edit the field on a view issue screen by clicking on the inline edit icon next to the field to see suggested users filtered accordingly to the SIL™ SIL script.
That's it.
Other examples
When you create a new SIL User Picker custom field, the default searcher set is SIL™ SIL User Picker and Group Searcher. This filters the available users for the custom field in issue navigator accordingly to the configured SIL™ script.