Simple url links. Multiple links with the same name can be made.
No Format
--action addRemoteLink --issue XXX-1 --url --name google --description Search
Remote issue links
Linking to an issue on another JIRA instance. When this is done through application links, JIRA automatically brings in additional information from the remote system like summary and status. When done without an application link, the link just becomes a web link.
There can only be one remote link to the same JIRA server issue. Attempting to add another one with the same application link and issue will replace the existing link.
Reverse links
TBD - likely enabled via a switch like reverse. We could automatically try the reverse link and warn when it was not possible to do. Opinions???
JIRA 6.4 and higher
Both source and target versions must be 6.4 or higher for remote issue linking.