No Format |
Usage: jira (-a|--action) <action> [(-f|--file) <file>] [--encoding <encoding>] [--debug] [-v|--verbose] [--quiet] [--outputFormat <outputFormat>] [--columns <columns>] [--connectionTimeout <connectionTimeout>] [--sql <sql>] [--driver <driver>] [--url <url>] [--host <host>] [--port <port>] [--database <database>] [--dbUser <dbUser>] [--dbPassword <dbPassword>] [--dbJar <dbJar>] [--dbTable <dbTable>] [--dbTableKeys <dbTableKeys>] [--dbCreateTable] [--replace] [--propertyFile <propertyFile>] [--common <common>] [--special <special>] [--dateFormat <dateFormat>] [--dateFormat2 <dateFormat2>] [--findReplace <findReplace>] [--findReplaceRegex <findReplaceRegex>] [--list <list>] [--continue] [--simulate] [--append] [--clearFileBeforeAppend] (-s|--server) <server> (-u|--user) <user> (-p|--password) <password> [--service <service>] [--cookies <cookies>] [-l|--loginFromStandardInput] [--project <project>] [--toProject <toProject>] [--name <name>] [--description <description>] [--lead <lead>] [--defaultAssignee <defaultAssignee>] [--after <after>] [--board <board>] [--issue <issue>] [--toIssue <toIssue>] [--parent <parent>] [--summary <summary>] [--priority <priority>] [--reporter <reporter>] [--assignee <assignee>] [--security <security>] [--environment <environment>] [--component <component>] [--toComponent <toComponent>] [--components <components>] [--version <version>] [--affectsVersions <affectsVersions>] [--fixVersions <fixVersions>] [--custom <custom>] [--field <field>] [--field2 <field2>] [--fieldExcludes <fieldExcludes>] [--date <date>] [--startDate <startDate>] [--type <type>] [--resolution <resolution>] [--labels <labels>] [--workflow <workflow>] [--transition <transition>] [--step <step>] [--screen <screen>] [--comment <comment>] [--filter <filter>] [--jql <jql>] [--search <search>] [--regex <regex>] [--regex2 <regex2>] [--reference <reference>] [--link <link>] [--reverseLink <reverseLink>] [--value <value>] [--values <values>] [--values2 <values2>] [--timeSpent <timeSpent>] [--estimate <estimate>] [--originalEstimate <originalEstimate>] [--id <id>] [--propertyPrefix <propertyPrefix>] [--jsp <jsp>] [--request <request>] [--requestParameters <requestParameters>] [--requestType <requestType>] [--acceptType <acceptType>] [--limit <limit>] [--api <api>] [--role <role>] [--group <group>] [--defaultGroup <defaultGroup>] [--userId <userId>] [--newUserId <newUserId>] [--userKey <userKey>] [--userFullName <userFullName>] [--userEmail <userEmail>] [--userPassword <userPassword>] [--autoGroup] [--permissionScheme <permissionScheme>] [--notificationScheme <notificationScheme>] [--issueSecurityScheme <issueSecurityScheme>] [--workflowScheme <workflowScheme>] [--issueTypeScheme <issueTypeScheme>] [--issueTypeScreenScheme <issueTypeScreenScheme>] [--fieldConfigurationScheme <fieldConfigurationScheme>] [--category <category>] [--template <template>] [--exportType <exportType>] [--login <login>] [--functionKey <functionKey>] [--targetServer <targetServer>] [--targetUser <targetUser>] [--targetPassword <targetPassword>] [--autoVersion] [--autoComponent] [--autoAdjust] [--asVersion] [--asComponent] [--asCascadeSelect] [--appendText] [--subtract] [--suppressId] [--withId] [--exportAttachments] [--copyLinks] [--copyAttachments] [--copyComments] [--copyWatchers] [--copySubtasks] [--copySubtaskEstimates] [--useParentVersions] [--cloneIssues] [--copyVersions] [--copyComponents] [--copyRoleActors] [--activate] [--deactivate] [--notify] [--suppressNotify] [--includeInactive] [--deleteFilter] [--favorite] [--lookup] [--legacy] [--preserveCase] [--help] Provides capability to make requests to a remote server. Required parameters: action, server, password. Optional parameters: user (likely required for your installation). Other required and optional parameters depending on action requested. (-a|--action) <action> Requested operation to perform. Valid actions are listed at the end. [(-f|--file) <file>] Path to file based content or result output. Use - for standard input. [--encoding <encoding>] Character encoding (character set) for text based file content - must be an encoding supported by your JAVA platform. [--debug] Requests detail debug output. Optional for all actions. [-v|--verbose] Requests verbose output to help with problem determination. Optional for all actions. [--quiet] Limit some output messages. Optional for all actions. [--outputFormat <outputFormat>] Specify output format for an action. (default: 1) [--columns <columns>] Column selection and ordering when action generates CSV output. A comma separated list of column numbers (1-based) or column names (case insensitive). Only columns provided by the selected outputFormat are available for selection. Invalid columns will be ignored. [--connectionTimeout <connectionTimeout>] Allow overriding environment settings for connect and read timeouts on URL connections. In milliseconds, 0 means infinite. [--sql <sql>] SQL select statement used to generate a run script. [--driver <driver>] JDBC driver class or predefined value: postgresql, mysql, mssql, oracle, or db2400. Required for SQL actions. [--url <url>] Action specific setting. Example: Database access url for SQL actions. Optional when host is provided. [--host <host>] Database host server for SQL actions. Not used if url is provided. Defaults to localhost if not provided. [--port <port>] Database host port for SQL actions. Optional, defaults to database default. Not used if url is provided. [--database <database>] Database name is required for SQL actions. [--dbUser <dbUser>] Database user name. Defaults to user. [--dbPassword <dbPassword>] Database user password. Defaults to password. [--dbJar <dbJar>] By default, lib/jdbc is used to automatically load database drivers. Otherwise you can specify a specific file or url reference for the database driver jar. Example /jdbcDrivers/postgresql-9.3-1102.jdbc41.jar or https://jdbc.postgresql.org/download/postgresql-9.3-1102.jdbc41.jar [--dbTable <dbTable>] Experimental. Database table name when creating or updating a database from list output. [--dbTableKeys <dbTableKeys>] Experimental. Comma separated list of column names used to access existing rows for update. Normally this defines a primary key set for the table. [--dbCreateTable] Experimental. Database table needs to be created before adding rows. [--replace] Replace existing entity on add, create, or similar actions. [--propertyFile <propertyFile>] Property file with mapping information. [--common <common>] Common parameter string added to all run actions. [--special <special>] Ordered list of alternate characters for comma ( , ), colon ( : ), at ( @ ), quote ( ' ), and double quote ( " ) characters used for specialized processing of some specific parameters. [--dateFormat <dateFormat>] Format string for dates in Java SimpleDateFormat. Default for output is client date format. Default for date parsing is lenient starting with client date format and then some other standard formats based on JSON date format. [--dateFormat2 <dateFormat2>] Alternate format string for dates in Java SimpleDateFormat. Use specific (may be ignored), but normally used for date only fields to avoid longer dateFormat based output. Some uses default to yyyy-MM-dd. [--findReplace <findReplace>] Find and replace text. Comma separated list of colon separated pairs. Single quote values containing a delimiter. Embedded quotes must be escaped. [--findReplaceRegex <findReplaceRegex>] Find and replace text with a regular expression. Comma separated list of colon separated pairs. Single quote values containing a delimiter. Embedded quotes must be escaped. [--list <list>] Comma separated list of entries. Single quote values containing a delimiter. Embedded quotes must be doubled. [--continue] Continue processing even after errors are encountered for run actions. Also used for some action to ignore certain errors like not found errors on remove actions. [--simulate] Simulate running actions. Log the action that would be taken. [--append] Append values to existing values for version fields, components field, and custom fields supporting multiple values. For some actions using the file parameter, append will append output to the existing file. [--clearFileBeforeAppend] For run actions, this option will automatically clear an existing file on the first append requested. (-s|--server) <server> Server URL. Normally the base URL of the server and the same as how the server is accessed from a browser. (-u|--user) <user> User name for remote access. (default: automation) (-p|--password) <password> User password for remote access. [--service <service>] Service address extension. (default: /rpc/soap/jirasoapservice-v2) [--cookies <cookies>] Name of file to restore and persist cookies across invocations of CLI actions. Can be used to provide Data Center session affinity for actions using REST APIs. [-l|--loginFromStandardInput] Get login token from standard input. Only works for actions based solely on SOAP based server requests. Actions using REST based server requests require passwords on each action. [--project <project>] Project name, key, or id. [--toProject <toProject>] Project name, key, or id to copy to. For cloning issues, either toProject or project can be used. [--name <name>] Name. [--description <description>] Description. [--lead <lead>] Project lead user id. [--defaultAssignee <defaultAssignee>] Project or compnent default assignee for issues. For projects, default is unassigned with options: PROJECT_LEAD or UNASSIGNED (blank). For components, default is PROJECT_DEFAULT with options: PROJECT_LEAD, PROJECT_DEFAULT, COMPONENT_LEAD or UNASSIGNED (blank). [--after <after>] Version name or id to add a version after. Defaults to after last version. Use -1 to make it the first version. [--board <board>] Agile board name. [--issue <issue>] Issue key or id. [--toIssue <toIssue>] Target or link destination issue key or id. [--parent <parent>] Parent issue key or id. [--summary <summary>] Summary of issue. [--priority <priority>] Issue priority - name or id. [--reporter <reporter>] Issue reporter user id. [--assignee <assignee>] Issue assignee user id. In some contexts, use -1 for automatic assignment and "" for unassigned. [--security <security>] Issue security level name or id. [--environment <environment>] Issue environment. [--component <component>] Project component name or id. [--toComponent <toComponent>] Project component name or id. [--components <components>] Project components - comma separated names or ids. [--version <version>] Project version name or id or add-on version. [--affectsVersions <affectsVersions>] Affects versions - comma separated names or ids. [--fixVersions <fixVersions>] Fix versions - comma separated names or ids. [--custom <custom>] A list of custom field key:value pairs. Normally a comma separated list of colon separated pairs. Key can be field name or id. Single quote the key:value pair if it contains a comma (,) or line breaks and similarly for the colon separator. An alternative is to use a JSON formatted string to represent the list of key:value pairs. [--field <field>] Field name or id. For some actions, this parameter must be a custom field. [--field2 <field2>] Field name or id for a custom field. [--fieldExcludes <fieldExcludes>] Fields to exclude from cloning - comma separated list of fields. [--date <date>] Release date for version or due date for issue. [--startDate <startDate>] Date version was started. [--type <type>] Issue type - name or id. Also, content type for renderRequest and application type. [--resolution <resolution>] Resolution name or id. [--labels <labels>] Labels or tags. A blank separated list. [--workflow <workflow>] Workflow name. [--transition <transition>] Workflow transition - name or id. [--step <step>] Source step name for addTransition. [--screen <screen>] Transition screen name. [--comment <comment>] Comment for an issue. [--filter <filter>] Filter id or favorite filter name. Use for getIssueList is deprecated. Use JQL instead. [--jql <jql>] JQL query. Alternate way to search for issues for getIssueList and runFromIssueList - continue to use search parameter for compatibility with previous. [--search <search>] Search JQL query using legacy support. Deprecated. Use jql parameter instead for new support. [--regex <regex>] Regular expression for including matching content. For example, used to subset projects or versions on getProjectList and runFromVersionList. [--regex2 <regex2>] Regular expression for secondary content matching. In some cases, filtering on a secondary field may be needed. [--reference <reference>] Reference to a replacement key value used to remember last created issue key or field value from getFieldValue. [--link <link>] Link description. Usually link type name for local links and relationship description for remote links.The link id can also be used for both linkIssue and deleteLink. [--reverseLink <reverseLink>] Link description for the (optional) reverse link for addRemoteLink. [--value <value>] Single field or property value. [--values <values>] Comma separated list of field values. Single quote values containing commas. [--values2 <values2>] Comma separated list of field values. Single quote values containing commas. [--timeSpent <timeSpent>] Time spent on work using. Example: 3h 30m. [--estimate <estimate>] Estimate of time remaining for an issue. Example: 3h 30m. [--originalEstimate <originalEstimate>] Original estimate of time to complete work for an issue. Example: 3h 30m. [--id <id>] Numeric id of an item. [--propertyPrefix <propertyPrefix>] Prefix used for accessing properties for custom clone actions. [--jsp <jsp>] Custom JSP name for clone actions. Deprecated. [--request <request>] URL fragment for a request. [--requestParameters <requestParameters>] URL request parameters or post data.. [--requestType <requestType>] Type of a render request like GET or POST (default: GET) [--acceptType <acceptType>] Content type to accept for renderRequest if different than type. [--limit <limit>] Maximum number of entries to return. (default: 2147483647) [--api <api>] API version. Some requests produce different results based on the api version used. Deprecated. (default: latest) [--role <role>] User role in project [--group <group>] Group name. [--defaultGroup <defaultGroup>] Default group to transfer comment and worklog visibility settings to on removeGroup. [--userId <userId>] User id for user management and other actions. For some actions, a comma separated list of ids. [--newUserId <newUserId>] Used to assign a new user id to an existing user. Since JIRA 6.1. [--userKey <userKey>] Unique internal identifier for user management. Since JIRA 6.1. [--userFullName <userFullName>] User name for user management actions. [--userEmail <userEmail>] User email for user management actions. [--userPassword <userPassword>] User password for user management actions. [--autoGroup] Groups are automatically added when referenced in add user functions. [--permissionScheme <permissionScheme>] Permission scheme name or id. (default: Default Permission Scheme) [--notificationScheme <notificationScheme>] Notification scheme name or id. [--issueSecurityScheme <issueSecurityScheme>] Issue security scheme name or id [--workflowScheme <workflowScheme>] Workflow scheme name or id. Use blank for default scheme. [--issueTypeScheme <issueTypeScheme>] Issue type scheme name or id. Use blank for default scheme. [--issueTypeScreenScheme <issueTypeScreenScheme>] Issue type screen scheme name or id. Use blank for default scheme. JIRA 5.1 and later only. [--fieldConfigurationScheme <fieldConfigurationScheme>] Field configuration scheme name or id. Use blank for default scheme. [--category <category>] Project category. Administrator access required to see or use project categories. [--template <template>] Project template. JIRA 6.3 and above. Project template name to use (case sensitive) as found on the Create project dialog. If a template is not found, a list of valid templates will be shown in the error message. [--exportType <exportType>] PROJECT to export project information, PARTICIPANTS to export issue participants. Use comman separated list if more than one are needed. [--login <login>] Login token from previous login request. [--functionKey <functionKey>] Transition function's unique key. Example: org.swift.jira.cot:createissue-function [--targetServer <targetServer>] Target server URL for copy requests. [--targetUser <targetUser>] Target server user. Defaults to user. [--targetPassword <targetPassword>] Target server user password. Defaults to password. [--autoVersion] Automatically add versions used in affectsVersions and fixVersions parameters. [--autoComponent] Automatically add components used in components parameter. [--autoAdjust] Auto adjust remaining estimate when adding work entry. [--asVersion] Interpret values parameter as version values and convert each to the version id. [--asComponent] Interpret values parameter as component values and convert each to the component id. [--asCascadeSelect] Interpret values parameter as a cascade select value ids. [--appendText] Append text to existing value text for description, environment, and single and multi-value custom fields. [--subtract] Subtract values from existing values custom fields supporting multiple values. [--suppressId] Suppress showing an id when displaying issue fields on getIssue. [--withId] Display the issue field value including the internal id (if the field has an internal value) using the following format: value (id). [--exportAttachments] Export attachments and similar data for site export. [--copyLinks] Copy issue links when cloning an issue. [--copyAttachments] Copy attachments when cloning an issue. [--copyComments] Copy comments when cloning an issue. [--copyWatchers] Copy Watchers when cloning an issue. [--copySubtasks] Copy subtasks when cloning an issue. [--copySubtaskEstimates] Copy subtask estimates when cloning an issue. [--useParentVersions] Copy parent versions to subtask when cloning an issue. [--cloneIssues] Clone issues when cloning a project. [--copyVersions] Copy versions when cloning a project. [--copyComponents] Copy components when cloning a project. [--copyRoleActors] Copy project role actors when cloning a project. [--activate] Activate user. [--deactivate] Deactivate user. [--notify] Notify user after user is added. [--suppressNotify] Suppress notifying users when an issue is updated. Initially only available for JIRA Cloud. [--includeInactive] To include inactive users in a user list. [--deleteFilter] Attempt to delete the filter associated with the board. Filter must be a findable as a favorite filter. [--favorite] Mark a filter as a favorite when creating or updating a filter. [--lookup] Lookup userId via search and validate. An error is reported if search does not return a single user. [--legacy] Some capabilities have newer impementations (like using newer REST APIs). In some cases, the older (deprecated) implementation may still be available for a limited number of releases. This switch can be set to use the older implementation to ease migration to the newer support. [--preserveCase] Some actions (example addUser, addGroup) automatically lowercase names usually because the construct is case insensitive. Use this switch to override the default behavior and preserve the case. [--help] Prints this help message. Valid actions (case insensitive): login - Login to remote server. Returns login token. Deprecated starting with JIRA 7.0. Required parameters: password Optional parameters: user logout - Logout of remote server. Deprecated starting with JIRA 7.0. getClientInfo - Get information about the this client tool. Optional parameters: outputFormat, file, append, encoding Output formats: 1 - basic, 2 - JVM getServerInfo - Get information about the JIRA server. Optional parameters: outputFormat, dateFormat, file, append, encoding Output formats: 1 - basic, 2 - detail validateLicense - Validates the CLI Connector is enabled and licensed on the server. renderRequest - Render url based request. The response data modified by findReplace processing is returned. Required parameters: request or project or issue Optional parameters: requestParameters, requestType, type, acceptType, findReplace, findReplaceRegex, file, encoding run - Run actions from a file or standard input. Required parameters: file or standard input Optional parameters: common, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex runFromSql - Run actions generated by SQL provided by the sql parameter, a file, or standard input Required parameters: sql or file or standard input Optional parameters: common, driver, database, host, port, url, dbUser, dbPassword, propertyFile, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex runFromCsv - Run actions generated from a CSV file. Required parameters: file Optional parameters: common, propertyFile, continue, quiet, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex runFromList - Run actions for each entry in a list. When file is provided, each action in the file augmented by the common parameter will be run for each entry. Otherwise, just the action specified by the common parameter will be run. Available replacement variable is entry. Required parameters: list Optional parameters: file, common, continue, quiet, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex runFromIssueList - Run actions for each issue from an issue list based on a filter or a search. Available replacement variables are project, issue, issueId. Required parameters: filter or jql or search or project Optional parameters: common, continue, simulate, limit, clearFileBeforeAppend, findReplace, findReplaceRegex, file, encoding runFromProjectList - Run actions for each project with optional filtering by lead and regex on project key. Available replacement variables are project, projectId. Optional parameters: lead, regex, common, continue, simulate, limit, clearFileBeforeAppend, findReplace, findReplaceRegex, file, encoding runFromVersionList - Run actions for each version in a project. Available replacement variables are project, projectId, version, versionId. Required parameters: project Optional parameters: regex, common, continue, simulate, limit, clearFileBeforeAppend, findReplace, findReplaceRegex, file, encoding runFromComponentList - Run actions for each component in a project. Available replacement variables are project, projectId, component, componentId. Required parameters: project Optional parameters: regex, common, continue, simulate, limit, clearFileBeforeAppend, findReplace, findReplaceRegex, file, encoding runFromAttachmentList - Run actions for a list of attachments for an issue. Available replacement variables are attachment, attachmentId. Required parameters: issue Optional parameters: common, continue, simulate, limit, regex, clearFileBeforeAppend, findReplace, findReplaceRegex, file, encoding runFromGroupList - Run action for each group with optional regex filtering on group name. Available replacement variable is group. Optional parameters: regex, limit, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, findReplace, findReplaceRegex, file, encoding runFromCommentList - Run action for each comment for an issue with optional regex filtering on the comment body. Available replacement variable is commentId. Required parameters: issue Optional parameters: regex, limit, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, findReplace, findReplaceRegex, file, encoding runFromRemoteLinkList - Run action for each remote link for an issue with optional filtering defined the same as for getRemoteLinkList. Required parameters: issue Optional parameters: link, regex, regex2, targetUser, targetPassword, limit, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, findReplace, findReplaceRegex, file, encoding getProjectList - List defined projects with optional filtering by lead and regex on project key. Optional parameters: lead, regex, outputFormat, file, columns, encoding Output formats: 1 - default, 2 - schemes, 999 - all getProjectCategoryList - List defined project categories. Optional parameters: file, append, columns, encoding getVersionList - List versions defined for a projects. Required parameters: project Optional parameters: regex, file, columns, encoding, append, outputFormat Output formats: 1 - default, 2 - description, 999 - all getComponentList - List components defined for a projects. Required parameters: project Optional parameters: limit, regex, file, columns, encoding, append, outputFormat Output formats: 1 - default, 2 - with project, 999 - all getSecurityLevelList - List security levels defined for a projects. Required parameters: project Optional parameters: file, columns, encoding, append, outputFormat Output formats: 1 - default, 999 - all getProjectRoleList - Get project roles. Optional parameters: regex, file, append, columns, encoding getProjectRoleActorList - Get users and groups for a project's role. Required parameters: project, role Optional parameters: file, columns, encoding getProjectRoleByUserList - Get project roles for a user across projects. By default all projects will be included. This action can take a long time to complete depending on number of projects and roles! Requires JIRA 7.0 or higher. Use userId of @all to product a list for all users. Use a regex pattern to subset projects to be included. Each role defines a column with a Yes or No value that indicates if the user is authorize to the project according to the role. This includes either directly authorized as a user or as a member of a group that is authorized. Use columns to subset the roles you want to display. Required parameters: userId Optional parameters: regex, file, append, columns, encoding getIssueList - List issues for a JQL query, filter, search or by project. Required parameters: filter or jql or search or project Optional parameters: file, dateFormat, limit, withId, suppressId, outputFormat, columns, encoding, append Output formats: 1 - default, 2 or 4 - custom fields, 3 or 4 - security level, 5 - 4 plus time values, 101 - issue keys only, 998 - all except custom, 999 - all getIssueHistoryList - Get issue change history. Required parameters: issue Optional parameters: file, dateFormat, columns, encoding getAttachmentList - List attachments for an issue. Required parameters: issue Optional parameters: file, limit, regex, dateFormat, columns, encoding, append, outputFormat Output formats: 1 - default, 999 - all getCommentList - List of comment information for an issue with regex filtering (JIRA 6.4 and above only) on comment body. Required parameters: issue Optional parameters: file, regex, limit, outputFormat, dateFormat, columns, encoding, append Output formats: 1 - default, 999 - all getWorkList - Get list of a work log entry. Required parameters: issue Optional parameters: dateFormat, file, columns, encoding, append, outputFormat Output formats: 999 - all getVoterList - Get list of users that have voted for an issue. Required parameters: issue Optional parameters: outputFormat, append, file, columns, encoding Output formats: 1 - simple, 2 - CSV, 999 - all getWatcherList - Get list of users that are watching an issue. Required parameters: issue Optional parameters: outputFormat, append, file, columns, encoding Output formats: 1 - simple, 2 - CSV, 999 - all getLinkList - List issue links for an issue. Required parameters: issue Optional parameters: file, columns, encoding, append getLinkTypeList - Get a list of all issue link types. Optional parameters: file, columns, encoding getCustomFieldList - Get information on all custom fields. Optional parameters: file, append, columns, encoding getFieldList - Get information on all fields. Filter by id or name regex. Optional parameters: regex, file, append, columns, encoding getWorkflowList - Get list of a workflows matching selection criteria. Optional parameters: limit, regex, dateFormat, file, append, columns, encoding getBoardList - List Agile boards with optional filtering by regex on name. Optional parameters: regex, file, append, columns, encoding getIssueTypeList - List issue types valid for a project. If project is blank or @all, all issue types will be listed. Optional parameters: project, file, columns, encoding, append getStatusList - List statuses. Optional parameters: file, encoding, append getTransitionList - Get available workflow transitions for an issue. Required parameters: issue Optional parameters: outputFormat, file, append, encoding Output formats: 1 - basic, 2 - fields getAvailableSteps - Deprecated - getTransitionList is recommended. Get available workflow steps for issue. Required parameters: issue Optional parameters: file, append, encoding getUserList - List users from a group or a search by name fragment (userId, display name, and email). Use name of @all to search for all users. Or use project and role to get all users that are part of the role for the project specified. Email only works if email visibiliity is on and for leading characters only. Include inactive only works for user name searches. Required parameters: group or name or project and role Optional parameters: limit, regex, includeInactive, file, columns, encoding, append, outputFormat Output formats: 1 - basic, 2 - extended attributes, 999 - all getGroupList - Get a list of groups with optional filtering by regex on group name. Optional parameters: limit, regex, file, encoding, append createProject - Create a new project with key provided by project parameter. Required parameters: project, lead Optional parameters: name, description, url, defaultAssignee, lookup, template, permissionScheme, notificationScheme, issueSecurityScheme, workflowScheme, issueTypeScheme, issueTypeScreenScheme, fieldConfigurationScheme, category updateProject - Update project information. Scheme updates require compatible schemes. Required parameters: project Optional parameters: name, description, lead, url, defaultAssignee, permissionScheme, notificationScheme, issueSecurityScheme, workflowScheme, issueTypeScheme, issueTypeScreenScheme, fieldConfigurationScheme, category cloneProject - Create a new project as a clone of a base project (only issue security, notification, and permission schemes will be copied to clone, some other fields are also not available to be copied to the clone). Optionally copy versions, components, role actors, and issues to new project. Depending on parameters used, issue cloning may require Clone Plus for JIRA - see [CLI Issue Cloning] has more details. Provide a search parameter to subset the issues to be cloned. Required parameters: project, toProject Optional parameters: name, description, url, permissionScheme, notificationScheme, issueSecurityScheme, workflowScheme, issueTypeScheme, issueTypeScreenScheme, fieldConfigurationScheme, category, search, type, continue, copyVersions, autoVersion, copyComponents, autoComponent, copyRoleActors, cloneIssues, copyLinks, copyAttachments, copyComments, copyWatchers, copySubtasks, copySubtaskEstimates, useParentVersions, fieldExcludes, propertyPrefix, jsp deleteProject - Delete a project. Use continue to ignore a not found error. Required parameters: project Optional parameters: continue getProject - Get project information. Required parameters: project Optional parameters: suppressId, file, encoding createBoard - Create an Agile board. Type is any support type like scrum, kanban, or diy. Project is a comma separated list of projects identified by key, name, or id. Required parameters: name, type, project deleteBoard - Delete an Agile board. Use continue to ignore not found errors. Required parameters: id or board Optional parameters: continue createFilter - Create a filter. Required parameters: name, search Optional parameters: description, favorite updateFilter - Update a filter by id or filter name (if it is a favorite filter). Required parameters: id of filter Optional parameters: name, search, description, favorite getFilter - Get information about a filter by id or filter name (if it is a favorite filter). Required parameters: id or filter deleteFilter - Delete a filter by id or filter name (if it is a favorite filter). Use continue to ignore not found errors. Required parameters: id or filter Optional parameters: continue setShareScope - Set current users default share scope for filters. Valid values are GLOBAL and PRIVATE. Required parameters: value getVersion - Get information for a project version (since JIRA 4.2). Required parameters: project, version Optional parameters: dateFormat, file, encoding addVersion - Add a new version to a project. Required parameters: project, version Optional parameters: description, after, date, startDate, dateFormat, replace updateVersion - Update version for a project. Required parameters: project, version Optional parameters: name, description, after, date, startDate, dateFormat, autoVersion copyVersion - Copy a version from one project to the same project or another project. Required parameters: project, version Optional parameters: toProject, name, description, after, date, startDate, dateFormat, replace copyVersions - Copy all versions from one project to another project. Required parameters: project, toProject Optional parameters: continue, replace deleteVersion - Delete a version from a project. Update affects and fix versions for issues by removing version reference or swapping it with versions specified. Use continue to ignore version not found error. Required parameters: project, version Optional parameters: affectsVersions, fixVersions, autoVersion, continue releaseVersion - Release a version for a project. Resets release date if provided. Defaults to current server date if release date is not set. Use continue to ignore error whem that the version is already in the correct state. Required parameters: project, version Optional parameters: date, dateFormat, description, continue unreleaseVersion - Unrelease a version for a project, optionally reset release date. Use continue to ignore error when the version is already in the correct state. Required parameters: project, version Optional parameters: date, dateFormat, description, continue archiveVersion - Archive a version for a project. This hides the version from the UI. Use continue to ignore error when the version is already in the correct state. Required parameters: project, version Optional parameters: description, continue unarchiveVersion - Unarchive a version for a project. This makes the version visible again in the UI. Use continue to ignore error when the version is already in the correct state. Required parameters: project, version Optional parameters: description, continue getComponent - Get information for a component of a project. Required parameters: project, component Optional parameters: file, encoding addComponent - Add component to a project. Required parameters: project, component Optional parameters: description, lead, defaultAssignee, replace updateComponent - Update component for a project. Required parameters: project, component Optional parameters: name, description, lead, defaultAssignee deleteComponent - Delete component from a project. Use continue to ignore component not found error. Required parameters: project, component Optional parameters: continue copyComponent - Copy a component from one project to the same project or another project. Required parameters: project, component Optional parameters: toProject, toComponent, name, description, lead, defaultAssignee, replace copyComponents - Copy all or some components from one project to another. Required parameters: project, toProject Optional parameters: components, replace addProjectRoleActors - Add users or groups to a project role. Required parameters: project, role, userId or group copyProjectRoleActors - Copy all role actors from a project to another project. Required parameters: project, toProject Optional parameters: continue removeProjectRoleActors - Remove users or groups from a project role. Required parameters: project, role, userId or group addCustomField - Add a new custom field. Type must be a valid custom field type key. Optionally, search can be a valid search template key. Required parameters: field, type Optional parameters: description, search removeCustomField - Remove a custom field by name or id. Use continue to ignore a not defined error. Required parameters: field Optional parameters: continue createIssue - Create a new issue for a project or a subtask of a parent issue. Required parameters: type, project or parent Optional parameters: summary, reference, priority, reporter, assignee, description, components, affectsVersions, fixVersions, environment, security, field, value, values, field2, values2, asVersion, asComponent, asCascadeSelect, lookup, date, dateFormat, custom, autoVersion, autoComponent, estimate, originalEstimate, comment, group, role, labels, findReplace, findReplaceRegex, file, encoding deleteIssue - Delete an issue. Use continue to ignore error if the issue does not exist. Required parameters: issue Optional parameters: continue cloneIssue - Create a new issue by copying an existing issue. By default, if the issue is a subtask, it will be cloned to the same parent. On JIRA 7.0 and higher, specifying the parent parameter will allow a subtask to be cloned to a different parent. Some advanced options require Clone Plus for JIRA be installed. [CLI Issue Cloning] has more details. Required parameters: issue Optional parameters: parent, type, summary, resolution, labels, comment, group, role, priority, reporter, assignee, description, components, affectsVersions, fixVersions, environment, security, field, value, values, field2, values2, asVersion, asComponent, asCascadeSelect, lookup, date, dateFormat, custom, autoVersion, autoComponent, , findReplace, findReplaceRegex, file, encoding, toProject, reference, copyLinks, copyAttachments, copyComments, copyWatchers, copySubtasks, copySubtaskEstimates, useParentVersions, fieldExcludes, propertyPrefix, jsp cloneIssues - Clone issues returned from a JQL search. Advanced options may require the Clone Plus for JIRA be installed. [CLI Issue Cloning] has more details. Required parameters: jql Optional parameters: toProject, type, continue, copyLinks, copyAttachments, copyComments, copyWatchers, copySubtasks, copySubtaskEstimates, useParentVersions, autoVersion, autoComponent, fieldExcludes, propertyPrefix, jsp updateIssue - Update an existing issue. Use appendText to append the parameter value to for the description and environment fields. Use append to modify the fix versions or affects versions fields by their respective values. Required parameters: issue Optional parameters: type, summary, resolution, labels, priority, reporter, assignee, description, components, affectsVersions, fixVersions, environment, security, field, value, values, field2, values2, asVersion, asComponent, asCascadeSelect, lookup, date, dateFormat, custom, autoVersion, autoComponent, , estimate, originalEstimate, append, appendText, continue, suppressNotify, comment, group, role, , findReplace, findReplaceRegex, file, encoding updateOrCreateIssue - Search for an issue using JQL. If a single issue is found, update it. If no issue is found, create it. Required parameters: jql, type, project or parent Optional parameters: summary, resolution, labels, priority, reporter, assignee, description, components, affectsVersions, fixVersions, environment, security, field, value, values, field2, values2, asVersion, asComponent, asCascadeSelect, lookup, date, dateFormat, custom, autoVersion, autoComponent, estimate, originalEstimate, append, appendText, continue, suppressNotify, comment, group, role, , findReplace, findReplaceRegex, file, encoding getIssue - Get information about an existing issue. Required parameters: issue Optional parameters: file, dateFormat, asVersion, suppressId, encoding Output formats: 1 - default, 999 - all assignIssue - Assign an isssue to a userId. Use @default for userId to set the assignee to the project default. Use blank to set the assignee to null. Required parameters: issue, userId transitionIssue - Transition issue through workflow. Required parameters: issue, transition, continue Optional parameters: type, summary, resolution, labels, priority, reporter, assignee, description, components, affectsVersions, fixVersions, environment, security, field, value, values, field2, values2, asVersion, asComponent, asCascadeSelect, lookup, date, dateFormat, custom, autoVersion, autoComponent, comment, group, role, , findReplace, findReplaceRegex, file, encoding progressIssue - Progress (transition) issue through workflow. Deprecated in favor of transitionIssue which uses better terminology Required parameters: issue, step Optional parameters: type, summary, resolution, labels, priority, reporter, assignee, description, components, affectsVersions, fixVersions, environment, security, field, value, values, field2, values2, asVersion, asComponent, asCascadeSelect, lookup, date, dateFormat, custom, autoVersion, autoComponent, comment, group, role, , findReplace, findReplaceRegex, file, encoding addComment - Add a comment to an issue. Required parameters: issue Optional parameters: comment, group, role, , findReplace, findReplaceRegex, file, encoding, dateFormat getComment - Get comment information. Required parameters: issue, id Optional parameters: dateFormat, file, append, encoding updateComment - Update an existing comment to an issue. Use @commentBody@<at:var at:name="commentBody" /> replacement variable if needed when replacing the comment body. Required parameters: issue Optional parameters: comment, group, role, , findReplace, findReplaceRegex, file, encoding getComments - Get a formatted string of all comment text for an issue. Required parameters: issue Optional parameters: file, dateFormat, encoding addLabels - Add labels to an issue. Requires labels are available for edit on the issue screen. Required parameters: issue, labels Optional parameters: suppressNotify removeLabels - Remove labels from an issue. Requires labels are available for edit on the issue screen. Required parameters: issue, labels Optional parameters: suppressNotify getFieldValue - Get field value for an issue. Required parameters: issue, field Optional parameters: file, dateFormat, reference, asVersion, withId, suppressId, encoding setFieldValue - Set field value for an issue. Use appendText to append the value to text field. Use append or subtact to have an array field modified by taking the current value and adding or removing the value specified. Required parameters: issue, field, file or value or values Optional parameters: field2, values2, suppressNotify, asVersion, asComponent, asCascadeSelect, appendText, append, subtract, encoding, dateFormat modifyFieldValue - Modify the currnt field value for an issue with find replace logic. Required parameters: issue, field, findReplace or findReplaceRegex Optional parameters: dateFormat, autoVersion, autoComponent, suppressNotify copyFieldValue - Copy field value from an issue to a field of another issue. Warning: only works for fields that can be updated from their text representation. Required parameters: issue, field, toIssue or field2 Optional parameters: suppressNotify, asVersion, asComponent, asCascadeSelect, append, appendText, encoding, dateFormat addAttachment - Add an attachment to an issue. Required parameters: issue, file Optional parameters: findReplace, findReplaceRegex, name, encoding getAttachment - Get lastest attachment by name or id for an issue. Required parameters: issue, file Optional parameters: name, encoding removeAttachment - Remove an attachment from an issue. A single attachment is removed by id or all attachments matching the file name. Required parameters: issue, name or id copyAttachments - Copy attachments from an issue to another issue. Required parameters: issue, toIssue Optional parameters: name, regex addWatchers - Add watchers to an issue. A comma separated list of user ids can be specified. Required parameters: issue Optional parameters: userId, lookup, continue removeWatchers - Remove watchers from an issue. A comma separated list of user ids can be specified. Required parameters: issue Optional parameters: userId, lookup, continue addVote - Add vote for issue. Required parameters: issue removeVote - Remove vote from issue. Required parameters: issue addWork - Add work log entry. Required parameters: issue, timeSpent Optional parameters: comment, date, dateFormat, estimate, role, group, autoAdjust removeWork - Remove work log entry. Required parameters: id updateWork - Update work log entry. Required parameters: id, issue Optional parameters: timeSpent, comment, date, dateFormat, estimate, role, group, autoAdjust linkIssue - Link an issue to another issue. Required parameters: issue, toIssue, link Optional parameters: comment, group, role, deleteLink - Remove link to another issue. Required parameters: issue, toIssue, link getUser - Get user information. When name is used, the name search must return a single user. Required parameters: userId or userKey or name Optional parameters: file, endcoding addUser - Add a new user. Prior to JIRA 7.0, an email is automatically sent to the user. For JIRA 7.0 and higher, specify notify to send an email. Required parameters: userId, userEmail Optional parameters: userFullName, userPassword, notify, preserveCase addUserWithFile - Add users from comma separated file. Deprecated - use runFromCsv support with addUser instead. Required parameters: file Optional parameters: notify, preserveCase, encoding updateUser - Update user information or status. Required parameters: userId or userKey Optional parameters: userFullName, userEmail, newUserId, activate, deactivate removeUser - Remove a user. Required parameters: userId removeUserWithFile - Remove users from comma separate file. Deprecated - use runFromCsv support with removeUser instead. Required parameters: file Optional parameters: encoding addGroup - Add a new group. Required parameters: group Optional parameters: preserveCase removeGroup - Remove a group. Required parameters: group Optional parameters: defaultGroup addUserToGroup - Add user to a group. Required parameters: userId, group Optional parameters: autoGroup, preserveCase addUserToGroupWithFile - Add users to groups from comma separated file. Deprecated - use runFromCsv support with addUserToGroup instead. Required parameters: file Optional parameters: autoGroup, preserveCase, encoding removeUserFromGroup - Remove user from a group. Required parameters: userId, group removeUserFromGroupWithFile - Remove users from groups from comma separated file. Deprecated - use runFromCsv support with removeUserFromGroup instead. Required parameters: file Optional parameters: encoding updateUserProperty - Add or update a user's property. Required parameters: userId, name, value Optional parameters: lookup removeUserProperty - Remove a user's property. Required parameters: userId, name Optional parameters: lookup getWorkflow - Get workflow information. Required parameters: name Optional parameters: dateFormat, file, encoding importWorkflow - Import workflow from XML. Required parameters: name, file Optional parameters: description, findReplace, findReplaceRegex, encoding exportWorkflow - Export workflow to XML. Required parameters: name Optional parameters: file, encoding deleteWorkflow - Delete an inactive workflow. Inactive means it is not associated with any project. Required parameters: name Optional parameters: continue runFromWorkflowList - Run action for each workflow with regex filtering on workflow name. Available replacement variable is workflow. Optional parameters: regex, limit, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, findReplace, findReplaceRegex, file, encoding copyWorkflow - Copy a workflow to a new workflow with the name provided by the name parameter. Required parameters: workflow, name Optional parameters: description addTransition - Experimental. Add a transition to a workflow. Use name for the transition name. Step represents the source step and transition the target step which defaults to step. Transition screen defaults to none. Required parameters: workflow, name, step Optional parameters: description, transition, screen addTransitionFunction - Experimental. Add a transition function (post function or validator type) to a workflow transition. Function configuration is just field/values pairs and is provided using the same parameters as for setting custom field configuration - custom and related parameters. Required parameters: workflow, transition, step, functionKey Optional parameters: type, custom, field, values, field2, values2 associateWorkflow - Associate workflow to a workflow scheme. Required parameters: name, workflowScheme createWorkflowScheme - Create a workflow scheme using a default workflow. Required parameters: name, workflow Optional parameters: description getWorkflowScheme - Get workflow scheme information. Required parameters: name Optional parameters: file, encoding deleteWorkflowScheme - Delete an inactive workflow scheme. Required parameters: name Optional parameters: continue getWorkflowSchemeList - Get list of a workflow schemes matching selection criteria. Optional parameters: limit, regex, file, append, columns, encoding runFromWorkflowSchemeList - Run action for each workflow scheme with regex filtering on workflow scheme name. Available replacement variable is workflowScheme. Optional parameters: regex, limit, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, findReplace, findReplaceRegex, file, encoding getScreenList - Get a list of screens with optional regex filtering on name. JIRA 6.4 and higher. Optional parameters: regex, limit, file, encoding, append, clearFileBeforeAppend runFromScreenList - Run action for each screen with optional regex filtering on name. Available replacement variables are screenId and screenName. JIRA 6.4 and higher. Optional parameters: regex, limit, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, findReplace, findReplaceRegex, file, encoding runFromScreenSchemeList - Run action for each screen scheme with optional regex filtering on name. Available replacement variables are schemeId and schemeName. JIRA 6.4 and higher. Optional parameters: regex, limit, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, findReplace, findReplaceRegex, file, encoding runFromIssueTypeScreenSchemeList - Run action for each issue type screen scheme with optional regex filtering on name. Available replacement variables are schemeId and schemeName. JIRA 6.4 and higher. Optional parameters: regex, limit, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, findReplace, findReplaceRegex, file, encoding runFromIssueTypeSchemeList - Run action for each issue type scheme with optional regex filtering on name. Available replacement variables are schemeId and schemeName. JIRA 6.4 and higher. Optional parameters: regex, limit, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, findReplace, findReplaceRegex, file, encoding deleteScreen - Delete a screen id JIRA 6.4 and higher. Required parameters: id Optional parameters: continue deleteScreenScheme - Delete a screen scheme by id JIRA 6.4 and higher only. Required parameters: id Optional parameters: continue deleteIssueTypeScreenScheme - Delete an issue type screen scheme by id JIRA 6.4 and higher. Required parameters: id Optional parameters: continue deleteIssueTypeScheme - Delete an issue type scheme by id JIRA 6.4 and higher. Required parameters: id Optional parameters: continue addRemoteLink - Add a remote link to an issue. Name is used instead of title from the UI. Specify a reverseLink value to have a reverse link added where supported. Required parameters: issue, name or link Optional parameters: url, toIssue, reversLink, targetServer, targetUser, targetPassword removeRemoteLink - Remove a remote link to an issue. Name can be an numeric id, global link id, or a name. Required parameters: issue, name getRemoteLinkList - Get list of a remote links for an issue with optional regex filtering on the name or global id. Also filter by a specific link description if needed using link parameter. If specified, regex2 filtering will be appied to the application type specific information column. Required parameters: issue Optional parameters: link, limit, regex, regex2, targetUser, targetPassword, outputFormat, file, append, columns, encoding Output formats: 1 - base, 999 - all getApplicationLinkList - Get list of a application links with optional filtering on application type and regex filtering on the name or url. Example types: jira, confluence. Optional parameters: type, limit, regex, file, append, columns, encoding exportSite - Create a site export. For server, data is put into a file in the JIRA home/export directory. For Cloud, data is put into a JIRA defined file on the associated webdav server - the file can optionally be copied to a local file if the file parameter is specified and permissions allow. Also for Cloud only, use the exportAttachments parameter to request the export contain attachments and similar data. Optional parameters: file, exportAttachments restoreExport - Restore export from file in the JIRA home/import directory. Required parameters: file exportData - Experimental - export project or issue participant data in a CLI compatible format. Required parameters: project or search Optional parameters: file, exportType, dateFormat, encoding, search, limit |