Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Import Macro Repair


Code Block
# --action run --file create-plan.txt --findReplace "%PLAN%:EXAMPLE-P1:%PLAN_NAME%:,%PLAN_DESCRIPTION%:,%PROJECT_NAME%:,%STAGE_DESCRIPTION%:"
# Plan
-a createPlan            --plan %PLAN% --name "%PLAN_NAME%" --description "%PLAN_DESCRIPTION%" --projectName "%PROJECT_NAME%" --replace
-a addRepository         --plan @plan@ --name local --repositoryKey MERCURIAL --field1 repository.hg.repositoryUrl --value1 --field2 repository.hg.authentication --value2 PASSWORD --field3 selectedWebRepositoryViewer --value3 bamboo.webrepositoryviewer.provided:noRepositoryViewer
-a addTrigger            --plan @plan@ --name "scheduled trigger" --type scheduled --schedule 20:00
-a addTrigger            --plan @plan@ --name "polling trigger" --repository @repository@ --type polling
-a removeVariables       --plan @plan@ --field1 @all
-a addVariables          --plan @plan@ --replace --field1 xxxx --value1 xxxx --field2 yyyy --value2 yyyy

# Stage and jobs
-a addStage              --plan @plan@ --stage "FIRST" --description "%STAGE_DESCRIPTION%"

-a addJob                --plan @plan@ --stage "@stage@" --job JOB1
-a addArtifact           --plan @plan@ --job @job@ --artifact jar --location target --copyPattern "**/*.jar" --shared
-a addArtifact           --plan @plan@ --job @job@ --artifact itest --location src/itest --copyPattern "**/*" --shared
-a addTask               --plan @plan@ --job @job@ --description "get source"    --taskKey CHECKOUT --field selectedRepository_0=defaultRepository --field checkoutDir_0=
-a addTask               --plan @plan@ --job @job@ --description "maven compile" --taskKey MAVEN2   --field "label=Maven 2" --field goal=compile --field buildJdk=JDK

# Stage and jobs
-a addStage              --plan @plan@ --stage "A"

-a addJob                --plan @plan@ --stage "@stage@" --job TEST1 --name "TEST1 job name" --description "TEST1 job description"
-a addArtifactDependency --plan @plan@ --job @job@ --artifact jar --location downloads

-a addJob                --plan @plan@ --stage "@stage@" --job "Test 2"
-a addArtifactDependency --plan @plan@ --job @job@ --artifact itest --location src/itest
-a addTask               --plan @plan@ --job @job@ --description "integration test" --taskKey GINT --field1 script --value1 src/itest/groovy/integration-test.gant --field label=Gant --field buildJdk=JDK --fields scriptLocation:FILE,levelAll:true,includeLevelsAll:true,clean:true,verbose:true,stopOnFail:false,testChecked:true,testDirectoryOption:standardTestDirectory,testResultsDirectory:**/*reports/*.xml

# Stage and josjobs
-a addStage              --plan @plan@ --stage "B"

-a addJob                --plan @plan@ --stage "@stage@" --job TEST3 --name "selenium"
-a addArtifactDependency --plan @plan@ --job @job@ --artifact itest --location src/itest
-a addTask               --plan @plan@ --job @job@ --description "firefox" --taskKey GINT --field1 script --value1 src/itest/groovy/selenium-test.gant --field "arguments=-Dbrowser=firefox" --field label=Gant --field buildJdk=JDK --fields scriptLocation:FILE,levelAll:true,includeLevelsAll:true,clean:true,verbose:true,stopOnFail:false,testChecked:true,testDirectoryOption:standardTestDirectory,testResultsDirectory:**/*reports/*.xml 
