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  bamboo (-a|--action) <action> [(-f|--file) <file>] [--encoding <encoding>] [--debug] [-v|--verbose] [--quiet] [--outputFormat
  <outputFormat>] [--columns <columns>] [--connectionTimeout <connectionTimeout>] [--sql <sql>] [--driver <driver>] [--url <url>]
  [--host <host>] [--port <port>] [--database <database>] [--dbUser <dbUser>] [--dbPassword <dbPassword>] [--dbJar <dbJar>]
  [--afterSql <afterSql>] [--dbTable <dbTable>] [--dbTableKeys <dbTableKeys>] [--dbCreateTable] [--comment <comment>] [--replace]
  <propertyFile>] [--common <common>] [--special <special>] [--dateFormat <dateFormat>] [--dateFormat2 <dateFormat2>]
  <reference>] [--findReplace <findReplace>] [--findReplaceRegex <findReplaceRegex>] [--list <list>] [--list2 <list2>]
  [--continue]   [--simulate] [--append] [--clearFileBeforeAppend] (-s|--server) <server> (-u|--user) <user> (-p|--password) <password>
  [--service   <service>] [--api <api>] [--cookies <cookies>] [--project <project>] [--toProject <toProject>] [--projectName
  [--build <build>] [--plan <plan>] [--toPlan <toPlan>] [--stage <stage>] [--job <job>] [--task <task>] [--name <name>]
  [--description <description>]   [--agent <agent>] [--assignment <assignment>] [--artifact <artifact>] [--requirement <requirement>]
  [--type <type>] [--value
  <value>] [--labels <labels>] [--searchLabels <searchLabels>] [--issues <issues>] [--expand <expand>]
  [--attribute <attribute>]
  [--comment <comment>] [--revision <revision>] [--location <location>] [--copyPattern <copyPattern>] [--repository <repository>]
  [--after <after>] [--schedule <schedule>] [--taskKey <taskKey>] [--repositoryKey <repositoryKey>] [--event <event>] [--recipientType <recipientType>]
 <recipientType>] [--childPlans <childPlans>] [--ipRestriction <ipRestriction>] [--fields <fields>] [--field1 <field1>] [--field2   <field2>] [--field3
  <field3>] [--field4 <field4>] [--field5 <field5>] [--field6 <field6>] [--field7 <field7>] [--field8 <field8>]   [--value1 <value1>]
  [--value2 <value2>] [--value3 <value3>] [--value4 <value4>] [--value5 <value5>] [--value6 <value6>] [--value7
  <value7>] [--value8
  <value8>] [--after <after>] [--before <before>] [--final] [--regex <regex>] [--request <request>] [--requestParameters
  <requestParameters>] [--requestType
  <requestType>] [--acceptType <acceptType>] [--id <id>] [--number <number>] [--timeout <timeout>]
  [--limit <limit>] [--wait]   [--favourite] [--favorite] [--enable] [--disable] [--excludeEnabled] [--excludeDisabled] [--manual]
  [--shared] [--cleanAfter]   [--help]

	Provides capability to make requests to a remote server.
	Required parameters: action, server, password.
	Optional parameters: user (likely required for your installation).
	Other required and optional parameters depending on action requested.

  (-a|--action) <action>
        Requested operation to perform. Valid actions are listed at the end.

  [(-f|--file) <file>]
        Path to file based content or result output. Use - for standard input.

  [--encoding <encoding>]
        Character encoding (character set) for text based file content - must be an encoding supported by your JAVA platform.

        Requests detail debug output. Optional for all actions.

        Requests verbose output to help with problem determination. Optional for all actions.

        Limit some output messages. Optional for all actions.

  [--outputFormat <outputFormat>]
        Specify output format for an action. (default: 1)

  [--columns <columns>]
        Column selection and ordering when action generates CSV output. A comma separated list of column numbers (1-based) or column
        names (case insensitive). Only columns provided by the selected outputFormat are available for selection. Invalid columns
        will be ignored.

  [--connectionTimeout <connectionTimeout>]
        Allow overriding environment settings for connect and read timeouts on URL connections. In milliseconds, 0 means infinite.

  [--sql <sql>]
        SQL select statement used to generate a run script.

  [--driver <driver>]
        JDBC driver class or predefined value: postgresql, mysql, mssql, oracle, or db2400. Required for SQL actions.

  [--url <url>]
        Action specific setting. Example: Database access url for SQL actions. Optional when host is provided.

  [--host <host>]
        Database host server for SQL actions. Not used if url is provided. Defaults to localhost if not provided.

  [--port <port>]
        Database host port for SQL actions. Optional, defaults to database default. Not used if url is provided.

  [--database <database>]
        Database name is required for SQL actions.

  [--dbUser <dbUser>]
        Database user name. Defaults to user.

  [--dbPassword <dbPassword>]
        Database user password. Defaults to password.

  [--dbJar <dbJar>]
        By default, lib/jdbc is used to automatically load database drivers. Otherwise you can specify a specific file or url
        reference for the database driver jar. Example /jdbcDrivers/postgresql-9.3-1102.jdbc41.jar or

  [--afterSql <afterSql>]

       Experimental. SQL to run after a successful action. Limited to specific actions at this time.

  [--dbTable <dbTable>]

       Experimental. Database table name when creating or updating a database from list output.

  [--dbTableKeys <dbTableKeys>]
        Experimental. Comma separated list of column names used to access existing rows for update. Normally this defines a primary key set for
     key set for the table.


       Experimental. Database table needs to be created before adding rows.

  [--comment <comment>]
        Comment text.

        Replace existing entity on add, create, or similar actions.

  [--propertyFile <propertyFile>]
        Property file with database parameters, field mappings, or client specific information.

  [--common <common>]
        Common parameter string added to all run actions.

  [--special <special>]
        Ordered list of alternate characters for comma ( , ), colon ( : ), at ( @ ), quote ( ' ), and double quote ( " ) characters
        used for specialized processing of some specific parameters.

  [--dateFormat <dateFormat>]
        Format string for dates in Java SimpleDateFormat. Default for output is client date format. Default for date parsing is
        lenient starting with client date format and then some other standard formats based on JSON date format.

  [--dateFormat2 <dateFormat2>]
        Alternate format string for dates in Java SimpleDateFormat. Use specific (may be ignored), but normally used for date only
        fields to avoid longer dateFormat based output. Some uses default to yyyy-MM-dd.

  [--reference <reference>]
        Reference to a replacement key value used to remember an action specific value like issue key or similar so it can be
        referenced later.Each action that allows this parameter will specify what value is being set for the reference replacement

  [--findReplace <findReplace>]
        Find and replace text. Comma separated list of colon separated pairs. Single quote values containing a delimiter. Embedded
        quotes must be escaped.

  [--findReplaceRegex <findReplaceRegex>]
        Find and replace text with a regular expression. Comma separated list of colon separated pairs. Single quote values
        containing a delimiter. Embedded quotes must be doubled.

  [--list <list>]
        Comma separated list of entries to populate the entry replacement variable on runFromList. Single quote values containing a
        delimiter. Embedded quotes must be doubled.

  [--list2 <list2>]
        Comma separated list of entries to populate the entry2 replacement variable on runFromList. Single quote values containing a
        delimiter. Embedded quotes must be doubled.

        Continue processing even after errors are encountered for run actions. Also used for some action to ignore certain errors
        like not found errors on remove actions.

        Simulate running actions. Log the action that would be taken.

        For some actions using the file parameter, append will append output to the existing file.

        For run actions, this option will automatically clear an existing file on the first append requested.

  (-s|--server) <server>
        Server URL. Normally the base URL of the server and the same as how the server is accessed from a browser.

  (-u|--user) <user>
        User name for remote access. (default: automation)

  (-p|--password) <password>
        User password for remote access.

  [--service <service>]
        Service address extension. (default: /rest/api)

  [--api <api>]
        API version. Some requests produce different results based on the api version used. (default: latest)

  [--cookies <cookies>]
        Name of file to restore and persist cookies across invocations of CLI actions. Can be used to provide Data Center session
        affinity for actions using REST APIs.

  [--project <project>]
        Project key. Example: XXX

  [--toProject <toProject>]
        Project key to clone to.

  [--projectName <projectName>]
        Project name.

  [--build <build>]
        Build key. Normally used to refer to a specific build (3 or 4 part name). However, it was also an older terminology for a
        plan and some action continue to accept the older terminology. Example: XXX-DEF or XXX-DEF-1

  [--plan <plan>]
        Plan key containing the project key. Preferred way to reference a plan instead of the older build terminology. Example:

  [--toPlan <toPlan>]
        Plan key to be created. Example: XXX-DEF

  [--stage <stage>]
        Stage name.

  [--job <job>]
        Job key. Example: JOB1

  [--nametask <name><task>]
        NameTask ofid, entityname, like plan name.

  [--description <description>]
        Description for entity.

  [--agent <agent>]
        Agent nameor description. Task ids are unique, but names and descriptions are not. Name and description lookup is done
        by finding the first match in the ordered task list.

  [--assignmentname <assignment><name>]
        Key Name of entity, like plan name.

  [--description <description>]
        Description for entity.

  [--agent <agent>]
        Agent name.

  [--assignment <assignment>]
        Key used to identify a project, plan, or job to be assigned to a specific agent. This makes the agent dedicated to only
        perform builds for all assignments.  Example: XXX, XXX-DEF, XXX-DEF-JOB1

  [--artifact <artifact>]
        Build artifact name. May be extended by a path name for locating files within an artifact representing a dirctory.

  [--requirement <requirement>]
        Plan requirement key, either a custom key or a system capability key like: system.builder.ant.Ant.

  [--type <type>]
        Requirement match type. Values: exist (default), equal, match. Also, content type for renderRequest and trigger type for
        addTrigger. (default: )

  [--value <value>]
        Requirement match value.

  [--labels <labels>]
        Comma or blank separated list of labels.

  [--searchLabels <searchLabels>]
        Comma or blank separated list of labels used for search.

  [--issues <issues>]
        Comma separated list of JIRA issue keys.

  [--expand <expand>]
        Expanded request information to obtain more detailed data on request.

  [--attribute <attribute>]
        Attribute to list.

  [--comment <comment>]
        Comment for an build.

  [--revision <revision>]
        Revision id or tag.

  [--location <location>]
        Working directory relative path to a source location for an artifact definition or a destination location for an artifact

  [--copyPattern <copyPattern>]
        Copy pattern for an artifact definition.

  [--repository <repository>]
        Name of a repository. In some cases, a comma separated list of repository names.

  [--afterschedule <after><schedule>]
        Used in orderRepository to name the repository after which the repository will be positioned.

  [--schedule <schedule>]
        Cron, Cron, daily time, or periodic schedule. A cron schedule must be valid cron expresssions and defaults to 0 0 0 ? * *. A daily
        time is a 24 hour format (HH:mm) value. A periodic schedule is a numeric value in seconds and defaults to 180.

  [--taskKey <taskKey>]
        Task key. Example: com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script.An alias can also be used to make it easier
        and less error prone. See addTask for the list.

  [--repositoryKey <repositoryKey>]
        Repository key that uniquely identifies the repository type. Example:

  [--event <event>]
        Event alias or key. Add-ons provide events identified by key. Example key:

  [--recipientType <recipientType>]
        Recipient type alias or key. Add-ons provide recipient types identified by key. Example key:

  [--childPlans <childPlans>]
        Comma separated list of plan keys that represent child plan dependencies.

  [--ipRestriction <ipRestriction>]
        Comma separated list of IP addresses to restrict ability to remotely trigger builds.

  [--fields <fields>]
        Use to specify task or repository specific fields or variables and their values. A comma separated list of key:value pairs.
        Single quote the key:value pair if it contains a comma (,) or line breaks.

  [--field1 <field1>]
        Construct specific field or variable name. Value is specified by the value1 parameter.

  [--field2 <field2>]
        Construct specific field or variable name. Value is specified by the value2 parameter.

  [--field3 <field3>]
        Construct specific field or variable name. Value is specified by the value3 parameter.

  [--field4 <field4>]
        Construct specific field or variable name. Value is specified by the value4 parameter.

  [--field5 <field5>]
        Construct specific field or variable name. Value is specified by the value5 parameter.

  [--field6 <field6>]
        Construct specific field or variable name. Value is specified by the value6 parameter.

  [--field7 <field7>]
        Construct specific field or variable name. Value is specified by the value7 parameter.

  [--field8 <field8>]
        Construct specific field or variable name. Value is specified by the value8 parameter.

  [--value1 <value1>]
        Value corresponding to the field1 parameter name.

  [--value2 <value2>]
        Value corresponding to the field2 parameter name.

  [--value3 <value3>]
        Value corresponding to the field3 parameter name.

  [--value4 <value4>]
        Value corresponding to the field4 parameter name.

  [--value5 <value5>]
        Value corresponding to the field5 parameter name.

  [--value6 <value6>]
        Value corresponding to the field6 parameter name.

  [--value7 <value7>]
        Value corresponding to the field7 parameter name.

  [--value8 <value8>]
        Value corresponding to the field8 parameter name.

  [--regexafter <regex><after>]
        Used Regularin orderRepository expressionto forname listthe filteringrepository andafter similar.which Alsothe forrepository patternwill matchbe labellingpositioned. Similarly for  [--request <request>]moveTask where
        it represent URLthe fragmentid forof athe requesttask.

  [--requestParametersbefore <requestParameters><before>]
        URLBefore requesttask parametersid.
post data.

  [--requestType <requestType>final]
        TypeMake of a renderfinal requesttask.
GET or POST (default: GET)

  [--acceptTyperegex <acceptType><regex>]
        Content type to accept for renderRequest if different than typeRegular expression for list filtering and similar. Also for pattern match labelling.

  [--idrequest <id><request>]
        StageURL fragment orfor taska idrequest.

  [--numberrequestParameters <number><requestParameters>]
        URL Buildrequest number.parameters Defaultsor topost latestdata.
(default: 0)
   [--timeoutrequestType <timeout><requestType>]
        WaitType timeoutof ina seconds.render Userequest -1like toGET waitor forever.POST (default: -1GET)

  [--limitacceptType <limit><acceptType>]
        Content type Maximumto numberaccept offor entriesrenderRequest toif return. (default: 2147483647)different than type.

  [--waitid <id>]
        WaitStage foror actiontask to completeid.

  [--favouritenumber <number>]
        SubsetBuild number. Defaults to favouriteslatest. Same as favorite.(default: 0)

  [--favoritetimeout <timeout>]
        Wait Subsettimeout toin favoritesseconds. Use -1 Sameto aswait favouriteforever. (default: -1)

  [--enablelimit <limit>]
        EnableMaximum annumber entityof entries whento updating.return. (default: 2147483647)

        Disable an entityWait for thoseaction entities like plans, stages, jobs, and tasksto complete.

        FilterSubset outto entriesfavourites. thatSame areas enabledfavorite.

        FilterSubset outto entriesfavorites. thatSame areas disabledfavourite.

        IndicateEnable thatan aentity stage be run manuallywhen updating.

        ForDisable an entity artifactfor definition,those makesentities thelike artifactplans, availablestages, forjobs, otherand buildstasks.

        CleanFilter workingout directoryentries afterthat each job completes. Use on setJobOptionsare enabled.

        Filter Printsout entries thisthat helpare messagedisabled.

  Valid actions (case insensitive):

run - Run actions from a file or standard input.
	 Required parameters: file or standard input
	 Optional parameters: common, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex
runFromSql - Run actions generated by SQL provided by the sql parameter, a file, or standard input
	 Required parameters: sql or file or standard input
	 Optional parameters: common, driver, database, host, port, url, dbUser, dbPassword,
	 propertyFile, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex
runFromCsv - Run actions generated from a CSV file[--manual]
        Indicate that a stage be run manually.

        For an artifact definition, makes the artifact available for other builds.

        Clean working directory after each job completes. Use on setJobOptions.

        Prints this help message.

Valid actions (case insensitive):

run - Run actions from a file or standard input.
	 Required parameters: file or standard input
	 Optional parameters: common, propertyFile, continue, quiet, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex
runFromListrunFromSql - Run actions generated forby eachSQL entryprovided inby athe list.sql 	parameter, Whena file, is provided, each action in the file augmented by the common parameter will be run for each entry.
	 Otherwise, just the action specified by the common parameter will be run.
	 Available replacement variables are entry, entry2.
	 Required parameters: listor standard input
	 Required parameters: sql or file or standard input
	 Optional parameters: common, driver, database, host, port, url, dbUser, dbPassword,
	 propertyFile, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex
runFromCsv - Run actions generated from a CSV file.
	 Required parameters: file
	 Optional parameters: list2common, file, commonpropertyFile, continue, quiet, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex
getClientInforunFromList - Run Getactions informationfor abouteach theentry thisin clienta toollist.
	 OptionalWhen parameters:file outputFormat,is fileprovided, append,each encodingaction 	in Outputthe formats:file 1augmented -by basic,the 2common -parameter JVMwill getServerInfobe -run Getfor information about the Bamboo servereach entry.
	 OptionalOtherwise, parameters:just outputFormat,the dateFormat,action file,specified append,by encodingthe 	common Outputparameter formats:will 1 - basic, 2 - detail, 3 - state
validateLicense - Validates the CLI Connector is enabled and licensed on the server.
renderRequest - Render url based request. The response data modified by findReplace processing is returnedbe run.
	 Available replacement variables are entry, entry2.
	 Required parameters: requestlist
	 Optional parameters: requestParameterslist2, file, requestTypecommon, typecontinue, acceptTypequiet, buildsimulate, fileclearFileBeforeAppend, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex
runFromProjectListgetClientInfo - RunGet actionsinformation forabout eachthe projectthis withclient regextool.
filtering	 onOptional project key or name. Available replacement variables are project and projectNameparameters: outputFormat, file, append, encoding
	 Output formats: 1 - basic, 2 - JVM
getServerInfo - Get information about the Bamboo server.
	 Optional parameters: regexoutputFormat, commondateFormat, continuefile, simulateappend, clearFileBeforeAppend,encoding
file,	 encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex
runFromPlanListOutput formats: 1 - Runbasic, actions2 for- eachdetail, plan3 with- regexstate
filteringvalidateLicense on- planValidates keythe orCLI name.Connector Useis @allenabled forand projectlicensed toon getthe aserver.
listrenderRequest of- plansRender acrossurl allbased projectsrequest. AvailableThe replacementresponse variablesdata aremodified project,by projectName,findReplace plan,processing andis planNamereturned.
	 Required parameters: projectrequest
	 Optional parameters: favoriterequestParameters, excludeDisabledrequestType, excludeEnabledtype, regexacceptType, commonbuild, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, file, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex
runFromStageListrunFromProjectList - Run actions for each stageproject with regex filtering on stageproject key or name. Available replacement variables are project, projectName, plan, planName, stageId, and stageName.
	 Required parameters: plan
	 Optional parameters: stage, regex, common, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, file, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex
runFromJobListrunFromPlanList - Run actions for each jobplan with regex filtering on jobplan key or name. RestrictUse to@all afor specificproject stageto orget leavea stagelist blankof toplans getacross jobs across all stagesprojects. Available replacement variables are project, projectName, plan, planName, stageId, stageName, job, and jobNameplanName.
	 Required parameters: planproject
	 Optional parameters: stagefavorite, excludeDisabled, excludeEnabled, regex, common, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, file, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex
runFromRepositoryListrunFromStageList - Run actions for each repositorystage with regex filtering on repositorystage name. Available replacement variables are repositoryproject, projectName, plan, planName, stageId, and repositoryIdstageName.
	 Required parameters: plan
	 Optional parameters: planstage, regex, common, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, file, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex
runFromAgentListrunFromJobList - Run actions for each agentjob with regex filtering on job agentkey or name. AvailableRestrict replacementto variablesa arespecific agentstage andor agentId.leave 	stage Optionalblank parameters:to regex,get common,jobs continue,across simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, file, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex
getProjectList - Get a list of projects. Projects are selected based on regex filtering on project key or name.
all stages. Available replacement variables are project, projectName, plan, planName, stageId, stageName, job, and jobName.
	 Required parameters: plan
	 Optional parameters: stage, regex, filecommon, continue, appendsimulate, encodingclearFileBeforeAppend, columnsfile, getPlanListencoding, -findReplace, GetfindReplaceRegex
arunFromRepositoryList list- ofRun plansactions for aeach projectrepository with regex filtering on plan key orrepository name. UseAvailable @allreplacement forvariables projectare torepository getand arepositoryId.
list	 of plans across all projects.
	 Required parameters: project
	 Optional parameters: favorite, excludeDisabled, excludeEnabled, limit, regex, outputFormat, dateFormat, columns, file, append, encoding
	 Output formats: 1 - plan, 999 - last build results
getArtifactDefinitionList - Experimental - only those available to be artifact dependencies in the last job! Get a list of shared artifact definitions for a plan withOptional parameters: plan, regex, common, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, file, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex
runFromAgentList - Run actions for each agent with regex filtering on agent name. Available replacement variables are agent and agentId.
	 Optional parameters: regex, common, continue, simulate, clearFileBeforeAppend, file, encoding, findReplace, findReplaceRegex
getProjectList - Get a list of projects. Projects are selected based on regex filtering on artifactproject key or name.
	 Required parameters: plan
	 Optional parameters: limit, regex, columns, file, append, encoding, getRepositoryListcolumns
getPlanList - Get a list of globalplans orfor plana repositoriesproject with regex filtering on plan key repositoryor name. 	Use Optional@all parameters:for plan,project regex,to file,get append,a encodinglist getNotificationListof -plans EAPacross (subject to change)all projects.
Get	 aRequired list of plan notifications.
parameters: project
	 Optional parameters: planfavorite, excludeDisabled, excludeEnabled, limit, regex, outputFormat, dateFormat, columns, file, append, encoding
getVariableList - 	 Output formats: 1 - plan, 999 - last build results
getArtifactDefinitionList - Experimental - only those available to be artifact dependencies in the last job! Get a list of shared globalartifact ordefinitions planfor variablesa basedplan onwith regex filtering ofon variableartifact namesname.
	 Required parameters: plan
	 Optional parameters: planlimit, regex, columns, file, append, encoding
getBuildListgetRepositoryList - Get a list of buildglobal reults.or Buildplan resultsrepositories canwith beregex filteredfiltering byon usingrepository fieldsname.
and	 values.Optional Supportedparameters: fieldsplan, areregex, statefile, notStateappend, and started. For example, include only successful results by using: --field1 state --value SUCCESSFUL, or include only builds started after a specific date use: --field2 started --value2 2016-04-30 --dateFormat yyyy-MM-dd. Default limit is 25.
	 Required parameters: plan
	 Optional parameters: limit, favorite, labels, issues, columns,  encoding
getNotificationList - EAP (subject to change). Get a list of plan notifications.
	 Optional parameters: plan, file, append, encoding
getVariableList - Get a list of global or plan variables based on regex filtering of variable names.
	 Optional parameters: plan, regex, file, append, encoding,
fields,getBuildList field1,- value1,Get field2,a value2,list field3,of value3, field4, value4, field5, value5, field6, value6, field7, value7, field8, value8
	 Output formats: 1 - basic, 2 - test information
getArtifactList - Get a list of build result artifacts. When the build does not include a job portion, only shared artifacts are provided. Use @all for the job parameter to get both sharted and non-shared artifacts for all plan jobsbuild reults. Build results can be filtered by using fields and values. Supported fields are state, notState, and started. For example, include only successful results by using: --field1 state --value SUCCESSFUL, or include only builds started after a specific date use: --field2 started --value2 2016-04-30 --dateFormat yyyy-MM-dd. Default limit is 25.
	 Required parameters: plan
or build
	 Optional parameters: joblimit, favorite, numberlabels, limitissues, regexcolumns, file, append, encoding, getBuildQueueListfields, -field1, Getvalue1, afield2, listvalue2, offield3, buildsvalue3, waitingfield4, invalue4, thefield5, build queue. Subset by project or build.value5, field6, value6, field7, value7, field8, value8
	 OptionalOutput parametersformats: project, build1 - basic, file,2 append,- encoding,test columnsinformation
getLabelListgetArtifactList - Get a list of labelsbuild forresult a buildartifacts. 	 Required parameters:When the build 	does Optionalnot parameters:include number,a file,job appendportion, encoding,only columnsshared getCommentListartifacts - Get a list of comments for a buildare provided. Use @all for the job parameter to get both sharted and non-shared artifacts for all plan jobs.
	 Required parameters: plan or build
	 Optional parameters: job, number, limit, regex, file, append, encoding,
getStageListgetBuildQueueList - Get a list of builds stageswaiting forin athe planbuild withqueue. regexSubset filteringby onproject stageor namebuild.
	 RequiredOptional parameters: planproject, 	 Optional parameters: regexbuild, file, fileappend, attributeencoding, columns
getJobListgetLabelList - Get a list of jobslabels for a planbuild.
with	 regexRequired filteringparameters: onbuild
job	 key or name. Subset by stage if desiredOptional parameters: number, file, append, encoding, columns
getCommentList - Get a list of comments for a build.
	 Required parameters: planbuild
	 Optional parameters: stagenumber, regexfile, fileappend, attributeencoding, columns
getAgentListgetStageList - Get a list of stages for agentsa basedplan onwith regex filtering ofon agentstage
	 Required parameters: plan
	 Optional parameters: regex, file, appendattribute, encoding, columns
	getJobList Output- formats:Get 1a -list basic,of 2jobs -for detaila queueBuildplan -with Queueregex afiltering buildon tojob run.key Ifor waitname. isSubset specified,by thestage actionif willdesired.
not	 completeRequired untilparameters: theplan
queued	 buildOptional completesparameters: orstage, theregex, timeoutfile, periodattribute, elapses.columns
ThegetTaskList action- willGet faila iflist theof buildtasks failsfor unlessa continuejob parameterwith isregex usedfiltering toon ignoretask aname.
failed	 result.Required Aparameters: specificplan, revisionjob
can	 beOptional builtparameters: iflimit, theregex, revisionfile, parametercolumns
isgetAgentList specified.- PlanGet variablesa list canof beagents setbased usingon theregex fieldfiltering andof valueagent parameters. Conditional queueing is supported - see the documentation for detailsnames..
	 Required parameters: plan
	 Optional parameters: revisionregex, waitfile, continueappend, timeoutencoding, dateFormat,columns
fields,	 field1, value1, field2, value2, field3, value3, field4, value4, field5, value5, field6, value6, field7, value7, field8, value8
queueBuildFromList - Queue multiple builds to run and wait for resultsOutput formats: 1 - basic, 2 - detail
queueBuild - Queue a build to run. If wait is specified, the action will not complete until the queued build completes or the timeout period elapses. The action will fail notif completethe untilbuild allfails queuedunless buildscontinue completeparameter oris timesused Ifignore continuea isfailed specified,result. buildsA willspecific continuerevision tocan be queuedbuilt evenif afterthe anrevision attemptparameter to queue a build failsis specified. ThePlan actionvariables willcan failbe ifset anyusing buildthe failsfield orand timesvalue outparameters. Conditional queueing is supported - see the documentation for details.
	 Required parameters: project or listplan
	 Optional parameters: regexrevision, limitwait, continue, timeout, dateFormat, fields, field1, value1, field2, value2, field3, value3, field4, value4, field5, value5, field6, value6, field7, value7, field8, value8
stopBuildqueueBuildFromList - Queue multiple Requestbuilds to stoprun aand queuedwait orfor running buildresults. UseThe continueaction towill ignorenot errorscomplete findinguntil aall buildqueued tobuilds stopcomplete or failedtimes resultsout. If The wait parametercontinue is specified, builds will causecontinue processing to waitbe forqueued completioneven orafter timeoutan beforeattempt 	queue Requireda parameters:build planfails. 	The Optionalaction parameters:will wait,fail timeout,if continueany restartBuildbuild -fails Restartor a build that failed or was stoppedtimes out. UseConditional continuequeueing tois ignoresupported errors- findingsee athe builddocumentation to restart or failed resultsfor details.
	 Required parameters: planproject or list
	 Optional parameters: waitregex, timeoutlimit, continue, addCommenttimeout, -dateFormat, Addfields, afield1, commentvalue1, tofield2, a build.
	 Required parameters: build, comment
	 Optional parameters: number, findReplace, findReplaceRegex, file, encoding
addLabels - Add a comma separated list of labels to a build.
	 Required parameters: build, labels
	 Optional parameters: number
removeLabels - Remove labels from a build. Labels can be a comma separated list or regex. Either build or search terms (searchLabels, issues) must be provided
value2, field3, value3, field4, value4, field5, value5, field6, value6, field7, value7, field8, value8
stopBuild - Request to stop a queued or running build. Use continue to ignore errors finding a build to stop or failed results. The wait parameter will cause processing to wait for completion or timeout before returning.
	 Required parameters: labelsplan
	 Optional parameters: buildwait, numbertimeout, searchLabels,continue
issues,restartBuild favorite- deleteProjectRestart -a Deletebuild projectthat andfailed allor projectwas plansstopped. Use continue to ignore errors finding a build to restart or failed results.
	 Required parameters: projectplan
	 Optional parameters: file
enableProjectwait, timeout, continue
addComment - Add Enablea comment allto projecta plansbuild.
	 Required parameters: projectbuild, disableProjectcomment
-	 DisableOptional allparameters: project plans.
	 Required parameters: project
cloneProject - Clone each plan in a project to another project. If toProject is not provided, the plans will be cloned to the same project. If the toProject does not exist, it will be created with name provided by projectName.
	 Required parameters: project, toProject, projectName, disable
createPlan - Create a new plan. Provide a 2-part plan key where the first part is the project key. If the project key does not exist, it will be created with the provided project name. Server instances only. Use continue to ignore the request if the plan already exists.
	 Required parameters: plan
	 Optional parameters: name, projectName, description, disable, continue
createOrUpdatePlan - Same as createPlan when plan does not exist. However, it will update an existing plan's name and description. Server instances onlynumber, findReplace, findReplaceRegex, file, encoding
addLabels - Add a comma separated list of labels to a build.
	 Required parameters: build, labels
	 Optional parameters: number
removeLabels - Remove labels from a build. Labels can be a comma separated list or regex. Either build or search terms (searchLabels, issues) must be provided
	 Required parameters: labels
	 Optional parameters: build, number, searchLabels, issues, favorite
deleteProject - Delete project and all project plans.
	 Required parameters: project
	 Optional parameters: file
enableProject - Enable all project plans.
	 Required parameters: project
disableProject - Disable all project plans.
	 Required parameters: project
cloneProject - Clone each plan in a project to another project. If toProject is not provided, the plans will be cloned to the same project. If the toProject does not exist, it will be created with name provided by projectName.
	 Required parameters: plan
	 Optional parameters: nameproject, toProject, projectName, description, disable
updatePlancreatePlan - UpdateCreate a plans name or descriptionnew plan. Provide a 2-part plan key where the first part is the project key. 	If Requiredthe parameters:project plankey 	does Optional parameters: namenot exist, descriptionit getPlanwill -be Getcreated planwith information.the 	provided Requiredproject parameters:name. planServer clonePlaninstances -only. Clone a planUse continue to ignore the request if the plan already exists.
	 Required parameters: plan, toPlan,
	 Optional parameters: descriptionname, projectName, description, disable, deletePlancontinue
createOrUpdatePlan - DeleteSame aas plan.createPlan 	when Required parameters: plan enablePlandoes -not Enableexist. aHowever, planit towill run.update 	an Requiredexisting parameters: plan's disablePlanname -and Disabledescription. aServer planinstances from runningonly.
	 Required parameters: plan
addStage	 -Optional Addparameters: aname, stageprojectName, todescription, adisable
plan.updatePlan 	- RequiredUpdate parameters:a plan,plans stagename 	or Optional parameters: description,. manualProvide removeStagea 2-part Removeplan akey stagewhere fromthe afirst plan.part Useis idthe = -1 to remove all stagesproject key.
Use	 continueRequired toparameters: ignore not found errors.
	 RequiredOptional parameters: planname, stage or iddescription
getPlan - Get plan information.
	 OptionalRequired parameters: continueplan
addJobclonePlan - AddClone a job to a stageplan.
	 Required parameters: plan, stagetoPlan, jobname
	 Optional parameters: namedescription, descriptionprojectName, disable
enableJobdeletePlan - EnableDelete a job to runplan.
	 Required parameters: plan,
disableJobenablePlan - DisableEnable a jobplan fromto runningrun.
	 Required parameters: plan,
setJobOptionsdisablePlan - SetDisable miscellaneousa optionplan forfrom a jobrunning.
The	 followingRequired optionsparameters: areplan
specificallysetFavoritePlan supported:- cleanSet workingthe directoryplan afteras joba completesfavorite.
(cleanAfter	 switch)Required andparameters: patternplan
matchingunsetFavoritePlan labeling- (regexRemove andthe labelsplan parameters).from Usethe thefavorite fieldlist.
and	 valueRequired parameters: forplan
additionaladdStage settings- withAdd valuesa determinedstage fromto thea screenplan.
Some	 previous settings may be lost if not specifically requested.
	 Required Required parameters: plan, jobstage
	 Optional parameters: cleanAfterdescription, regex,manual
labelsremoveStage getArtifact - DownloadRemove a copystage offrom a buildplan. artifactUse intoid a= file.-1 	to Requiredremove parameters:all stages. UsesUse samecontinue parametersto andignore logicnot asfound getArtifactListerrors.
for	 identifyingRequired buildparameters: resultplan, artifactsstage toor
For	 artifactsOptional thatparameters: representcontinue
aaddJob directory- (notAdd a file),job useto the artifact name plus the path to the file in the artifacta stage.
	 OptionalRequired parameters: plan or build, artifactstage, filejob
	 OutputOptional formatsparameters: jobname, numberdescription, disable
replace,enableJob encoding- getBuildEnable -a Getjob buildto resultrun.
	 Required parameters: build
	 Optional parameters: numberplan, expand,job
filedisableJob verifyBuild- -Disable Verifya buildjob wasfrom successfulrunning.
	 Required parameters: buildplan, 	job
OptionalsetJobOptions parameters:- numberSet getLatestBuildNumbermiscellaneous -option Getfor thea numberjob. ofThe thefollowing lastoptions completedare build for this plan.
	 Required parameters: plan
addArtifact - Add an artifact definition to a job. Server instances only.
	 Required parameters: plan, job, artifact, copyPattern
	 Optional parameters: location, shared
removeArtifact - Remove an artifact definition from a job. Server instances onlyspecifically supported: clean working directory after job completes (cleanAfter switch) and pattern matching labeling (regex and labels parameters). Use the field and value parameters for additional settings with values determined from the screen. Some previous settings may be lost if not specifically requested.
	 Required parameters: plan, job,
artifact	 addArtifactDependencyOptional -parameters: AddcleanAfter, an artifact dependency to a job. Artifact must be a shared artifact from another job.
	 Required parameters: plan, job, artifact, location
setDependencyOptions - Experimental. Set child dependencies and other related options.
regex, labels
getArtifact - Download a copy of a build artifact into a file.
	 Required parameters:  Uses same parameters and logic as getArtifactList for identifying build result artifacts to search. For artifacts that represent a directory (not a file), use the artifact name plus the path to the file in the artifact.
	 Optional parameters: plan or build, artifact, file
	 Output formats: job, number, replace, encoding
getBuild - Get build result.
	 Required parameters: build
	 Optional parameters: number, expand, file
verifyBuild - Verify build was successful.
	 Required parameters: build
	 Optional parameters: number
getLatestBuildNumber - Get the number of the last completed build for this plan.
	 Required parameters: plan
addArtifact - Add an artifact definition to a job. Server instances only.
	 Required parameters: plan, job, artifact, copyPattern
	 Optional parameters: location, shared
removeArtifact - Remove an artifact definition from a job. Server instances only.
	 Required parameters: plan, job, artifact
addArtifactDependency - Add an artifact dependency to a job. Artifact must be a shared artifact from another job.
	 Required parameters: plan, job, artifact, location
setDependencyOptions - Set child dependencies and other related options.
	 Required parameters: plan
	 Optional parameters: children, fields, field1, value1, field2, value2, field3, value3, field4, value4, field5, value5, field6, value6, field7, value7, field8, value8
	 Required parameters: plan, job, taskKey
	 Optional parameters: childrendisable, final, fields, field1, value1, field2, value2, field3, value3, field4, value4, field5, value5, field6, value6, field7, value7, field8, value8
addTaskupdateTask - AddUpdate a task to a plan job. A valid task key or alias is required. Valid aliases are: ANT, ARTIFACT_DOWNLOAD, CHECKOUT, CLI_BAMBOO, CLI_CONFLUENCE, CLI_CRUCIBLE, CLI_FISHEYE, CLI_HIPCHAT, CLI_JIRA, CLI_SERVICE_DESK, CLI_STASH, CLI_UPM, GANT, GINT, GRADLE, GRADLEW, GROOVY, MAVEN2, MAVEN3, SCP, SQL, SCRIPT, SSH, VARIABLE_REPLACE in a plan job. You must provide the same parameters as if you were creating the task.
	 Required parameters: plan, job, taskKeyid
	 Optional parameters: enable, disable, fields, field1, value1, field2, value2, field3, value3, field4, value4, field5, value5, field6, value6, field7, value7, field8, value8
updateTaskremoveTask - UpdateRemove a task infrom a plan job. YouUse mustid provide= the-1 sameto parametersremove as if you were creating the taskall tasks.
	 Required parameters: plan, job, id
	 Optional parameters: enable, disable, fields, field1, value1, field2, value2, field3, value3, field4, value4, field5, value5, field6, value6, field7, value7, field8, value8
removeTask - Remove a task from a plan job. Use id = -1 to remove all tasks
moveTask - Move a task to before or after another task. Use final to make a task final. Final tasks must follow all non final tasks. If neither before or after are specified, the task will be moved to the last position respecting the final parameter.
	 Required parameters: plan, job, id
	 Optional parameters: after or before, final
addRepository - Add a global or plan repository. For a plan repository, you can reference a linked (global) repository. Otherwise a valid repository key or alias is required. Valid aliases are: BITBUCKET, BITBUCKET_CLOUD, BITBUCKET_SERVER, STASH, BCVS, GIT, GITHUB, MERCURIAL, PERFORCE, SUBVERSION
	 Required parameters: repository or name
	 Optional parameters: plan, repositoryKey, replace, fields, field1, value1, field2, value2, field3, value3, field4, value4, field5, value5, field6, value6, field7, value7, field8, value8
updateRepository - Update a global or plan repository.
	 Required parameters: repository or id
	 Optional parameters: plan, fields, field1, value1, field2, value2, field3, value3, field4, value4, field5, value5, field6, value6, field7, value7, field8, value8
removeRepository - Remove global or plan repository. Use @all to remove all repositories.
	 Required parameters: repository or id
	 Optional parameters: plan, continue
getRepository - Get details of a global or plan repository. Sets the repository and repositoryId replacement variables.
	 Required parameters: repository
	 Optional parameters: plan
orderRepository - Order repository in the list of repositories for a plan. Defaults to move the repository to the top to make it the default repository. Otherwise specify the after respository name.
	 Required parameters: plan, repository
	 Optional parameters: after
addRequirement - Add requirement to a plan job.
	 Required parameters: plan, job, requirement
	 Optional parameters: type, value
updateRequirement - Update a plan requirement.
	 Required parameters: plan, job, id
	 Optional parameters: type, value
removeRequirement - Remove a plan requirement.
	 Required parameters: plan, job, id
addNotification - Add a plan notification. There are 2 parts to a notification - an event that triggers the notification and a recipient type that determines the notification protocol. There are built-in notifications and others provided by add-ons. A recipient type may have additional parameters. Generally, these can be specified by the field and values parameters. In some cases, pre-defined parameters are available.
	 Required parameters: plan, event, recipientType
	 Optional parameters: fields, field1, value1, field2, value2, field3, value3, field4, value4, field5, value5, field6, value6, field7, value7, field8, value8
removeNotification - Remove a plan notification. Use id of -1 to remove all notifications for a plan.
	 Required parameters: plan, id
addVariables - Add global or plan variables. Defaults to global variables unless a plan is specified. Use the field parameters for the variable name and the corresponding value parameters for the variable values,
	 Optional parameters: plan, replace fields, field1, value1, field2, value2, field3, value3, field4, value4, field5, value5, field6, value6, field7, value7, field8, value8
updateVariables - Update existing global or plan variables. Defaults to global variables unless a plan is specified. Use the field parameters for the variable name and the corresponding value parameters for the variable values,
	 Optional parameters: plan, fields, field1, value1, field2, value2, field3, value3, field4, value4, field5, value5, field6, value6, field7, value7, field8, value8
removeVariables - Remove global or plan variables. Specify the variable names using the field parameters.
	 Optional parameters: plan, fields, field1, value1, field2, value2, field3, value3, field4, value4, field5, value5, field6, value6, field7, value7, field8, value8
addTrigger - Add a trigger to a plan. Pre-defined types are: polling, remote, scheduled. One or more repositories can be specified for pre-defined type triggers based on repositories. Custom types can be specified with the appropriate trigger key (or alias) and all required parameters using the various field parameters. Alias types are: stashTrigger.
	 Required parameters: plan, name, type
	 Optional parameters: repository, schedule, ipRestriction, fields, field1, value1, field2, value2, field3, value3, field4, value4, field5, value5, field6, value6, field7, value7, field8, value8
removeTrigger - Remove a trigger from a plan. Use id = -1 to remove all triggers. Server instances only.
	 Required parameters: plan, id
addAgent - Add a local agent.
	 Required parameters: agent
	 Optional parameters: description
removeAgent - Remove an agent.
	 Required parameters: agent
enableAgent - Enable an agent.
	 Required parameters: agent
disableAgent - Disable an agent.
	 Required parameters: agent
addAgentAssignment - Assign a project, plan, or job to a specific agent. This makes the agent is dedicated to only perform builds for all assignments. Use continue to ignore already exists error.
	 Required parameters: agent, assignment
	 Optional parameters: continue
removeAgentAssignment - Remove an assignment from a specific agent. Use continue to ignore not found error.
	 Required parameters: agent, assignment
	 Optional parameters: continue