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  • This line was added.
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Table of Contents



A team from an upper-level box is assigned in a lower-level box → team is added as an inherited team to a lower-level box. The upper-level box is unaffected.

A team from a lower-level box is assigned in an upper-level box → primary box of a team is changed. The upper-level box (where the action is performed) becomes the primary team box of a team. In the lower-level box (that used to be primary) the team still available, but is treated as inherited.



In the Teams module:

  1. Click the (blue star) unassign icon

  2. Click Unassign to confirm

DELETE - unassign team .mov

View team assignment





Teams module


List of all users assign to a team.

To edit team assignment, you must go to the box a team was created in (assigned to).


Resource details page


List of all memberships of a user - includes all teams from all the BigPicture boxes in the app (read-only).

Team membership attributes

  • a user can be a member of multiple teams at the same time - memberships can overlap

  • a user can have multiple memberships in the same team - membership periods within a team cannot overlap


start date


Memberships are applied for a time period. Start date must be provided.


end date


Calculated automatically. When a new membership is added, the start date of a new assignment sets the end date of the previous workload plan assignment.




How much of resource capacity is dedicated to their work in the team.

Note: it is possible to exceed 100% of user capacity (user assigned to multiple teams). Signified with an orange circle around the avatar.



100% capacity of a user = 8h

User is assigned to 3 teams (availability 50% for each team).

As a result, user is scheduled to contribute 4h a day to each team (12h total) which is 150% or their capacity.




Skills assigned to a team member

Manage team memberships


The Members tab shows currently applicable memberships.

If a team membership has a future date it doesn’t apply yet - resource is listed as having ‘no membership’. To see all memberships of a user, click on the resource name.

titleSee an example
no membership


In the Teams module:

  1. Click on a team and open the Details panel

  2. Go to the Membership tab

  3. Enter membership information:

    1. resource name

    2. start date

    3. availability

  4. Click the plus icon to add a memberhip

EDIT - team membership details.movADD - team


Changes cannot be made in a box that inherited a team. Go to the primary team box to edit team memberships.


In the Teams module:

  1. Click on a team and open the Details panel

  2. Go to the Membership tab

  3. Click on a resource name

  4. Use inline-editing to make changes

EDIT - team membership

Delete a single membership

  1. Click on a team and open the Details panel

  2. Go to the Membership tab

  3. Click on a resource name

  4. Click on the delete icon (blue star)

  5. Click Remove to confirm

DELETE - a single

Delete a user from a team (remove all memberships)


In the Teams module:

  1. Click on a team and open the Details panel

  2. Go to the Membership tab

  3. Click on the delete icon (blue star)

  4. Click Remove to confirm

DELETE - a person from a team (all memberships).mov

Assign tasks to teams

Resources module








Task details pop-up

Click on a task to open the task details pop-up. Select a team from a drop-down.


Gantt module

You can quickly assign tasks to a respective team by inline editing in a column view in the Gantt module.



Tasks can be automatically assigned to a team.


titleWho can access this screen?


titleHow to get to this screen?



Change of the task assignee.


  • The "Tasks assigned to an individual are auto-assigned to their team" functionality is enabled. 

  • The task is in the scope of the box. 

  • The assignee is in only one team in a box. 

  • The assignee must be available in the team (has an active membership in a given task period).

  • Recalculation of the team takes place only when the task assignee is changed in BigPicture or Jira.


The automation is not run:

  • If the assignee is in more than one team in a box.

  • The task is in the sub-scope (sub-box such as Iteration) and the scope definition is different for each team (avoiding the endless loop of team assignment).

Recalculation is NOT triggered when:

  • The team membership changes:

    • The assignee is moved to another team in the box.

    • The assignee is added to another team in the box.

    • The assignee is removed from another team in the box.

    • The assignee is removed from a team (to which the task is currently assigned).

  • The task period changes (the assignee's membership is no longer in the task period). 

Deleted team


Inherited teams

Inherited teams = teams that are available in a box they weren’t created in.


titleWho can access this screen?

Insert excerpt
Interface and Navigation
Interface and Navigation
nameSECURITY - App admin

titleHow to get to this screen?

Insert excerpt
Box Types tab
Box Types tab
nameGO TO - Box type configuration
