Parameter, Short, Value, Description
"action {anchor:action}", "a", "(/)",
"afterSql {anchor:afterSql}", , "(/)", "SQL to run after a successful action. Limited to specific actions at this time."
"append {anchor:append}", , "(x)", "For some actions using the file parameter, append will append output to the existing file."
"bambooServer {anchor:bambooServer}", , "(/)", "Server parameter for Bamboo actions."
"bitbucketServer {anchor:bitbucketServer}", , "(/)", "Server parameter for Bitbucket actions."
"clearFileBeforeAppend {anchor:clearFileBeforeAppend}", , "(x)", "For run actions, this option will automatically clear an existing file on the first append requested."
"columns {anchor:columns}", , "(/)", "Column selection and ordering when action generates CSV output. A comma separated list of column numbers (1-based) or column names (case insensitive). Only columns provided by the selected outputFormat are available for selection. Invalid columns will be ignored."
"common {anchor:common}", , "(/)", "Common parameter string added to all run actions."
"confluenceServer {anchor:confluenceServer}", , "(/)", "Server parameter for Confluence actions."
"connectionTimeout {anchor:connectionTimeout}", , "(/)", "Allow overriding environment settings for connect and read timeouts on URL connections. In milliseconds, 0 means infinite."
"continue {anchor:continue}", , "(x)", "Continue processing even after errors are encountered for run actions. Also used for some action to ignore certain errors like not found errors on remove actions."
"crucibleServer {anchor:crucibleServer}", , "(/)", "Server parameter for Crucible actions."
"database {anchor:database}", , "(/)", "Database name is required for SQL actions."
"dateFormat {anchor:dateFormat}", , "(/)", "Format string for dates in Java SimpleDateFormat. Default for output is client date format. Default for date parsing is lenient starting with client date format and then some other standard formats based on JSON date format."
"dateFormat2 {anchor:dateFormat2}", , "(/)", "Alternate format string for dates in Java SimpleDateFormat. Use specific (may be ignored), but normally used for date only fields to avoid longer dateFormat based output. Some uses default to yyyy-MM-dd."
"dbCreateTable {anchor:dbCreateTable}", , "(x)", "Database table needs to be created before adding rows."
"dbJar {anchor:dbJar}", , "(/)", "By default, lib/jdbc is used to automatically load database drivers. Otherwise you can specify a specific file or url reference for the database driver jar. Example /jdbcDrivers/postgresql-9.3-1102.jdbc41.jar or"
"dbPassword {anchor:dbPassword}", , "(/)", "Database user password. Defaults to password."
"dbTable {anchor:dbTable}", , "(/)", "Database table name when creating or updating a database from list output."
"dbTableKeys {anchor:dbTableKeys}", , "(/)", "Comma separated list of column names used to access existing rows for update. Normally this defines a primary key set for the table."
"dbUser {anchor:dbUser}", , "(/)", "Database user name. Defaults to user."
"debug {anchor:debug}", , "(x)", "Requests detail debug output. Optional for all actions."
"driver {anchor:driver}", , "(/)", "JDBC driver class or predefined value: postgresql, mysql, mssql, oracle, or db2400. Required for SQL actions."
"encoding {anchor:encoding}", , "(/)", "Character encoding (character set) for text based file content - must be an encoding supported by your JAVA platform."
"file {anchor:file}", "f", "(/)", "Path to file based content or result output. Use - for standard input."
"findReplace {anchor:findReplace}", , "(/)", "Find and replace text. Comma separated list of colon separated pairs. Single quote values containing a delimiter. Embedded quotes must be escaped."
"findReplaceRegex {anchor:findReplaceRegex}", , "(/)", "Find and replace text with a regular expression. Comma separated list of colon separated pairs. Single quote values containing a delimiter. Embedded quotes must be doubled."
"fisheyeServer {anchor:fisheyeServer}", , "(/)", "Server parameter for FishEye actions."
"help {anchor:help}", , "(x)", "Prints this help message."
"hipchatServer {anchor:hipchatServer}", , "(/)", "Server parameter for HipChat actions."
"host {anchor:host}", , "(/)", "Database host server for SQL actions. Not used if url is provided. Defaults to localhost if not provided."
"jiraServer {anchor:jiraServer}", , "(/)", "Server parameter for JIRA actions."
"list {anchor:list}", , "(/)", "Comma separated list of entries to populate the entry replacement variable on runFromList. Single quote values containing a delimiter. Embedded quotes must be doubled."
"list2 {anchor:list2}", , "(/)", "Comma separated list of entries to populate the entry2 replacement variable on runFromList. Single quote values containing a delimiter. Embedded quotes must be doubled."
"outputFormat {anchor:outputFormat}", , "(/)", "Specify output format for an action. (default: 1)"
"parameters {anchor:parameters}", , "(/)", "Client specific parameters."
"password {anchor:password}", "p", "(/)", "User password for remote access."
"port {anchor:port}", , "(/)", "Database host port for SQL actions. Optional, defaults to database default. Not used if url is provided."
"propertyFile {anchor:propertyFile}", , "(/)", "Property file with database parameters, field mappings, or client specific information."
"quiet {anchor:quiet}", , "(x)", "Limit some output messages. Optional for all actions."
"reference {anchor:reference}", , "(/)", "Reference to a replacement key value used to remember an action specific value like issue key or similar so it can be referenced later.Each action that allows this parameter will specify what value is being set for the reference replacement key."
"replace {anchor:replace}", , "(x)", "Replace existing entity on add, create, or similar actions."
"servicedeskServer {anchor:servicedeskServer}", , "(/)", "Server parameter for Service Desk actions."
"simulate {anchor:simulate}", , "(x)", "Simulate running actions. Log the action that would be taken."
"special {anchor:special}", , "(/)", "Ordered list of alternate characters for comma ( , ), colon ( : ), at ( \@ ), quote ( ' ), and double quote ( "" ) characters used for specialized processing of some specific parameters."
"sql {anchor:sql}", , "(/)", "SQL select statement used to generate a run script."
"upmServer {anchor:upmServer}", , "(/)", "Server parameter for UPM actions."
"url {anchor:url}", , "(/)", "Action specific setting. Example: Database access url for SQL actions. Optional when host is provided."
"user {anchor:user}", "u", "(/)", "User name for remote access."
"verbose {anchor:verbose}", "v", "(x)", "Requests verbose output to help with problem determination. Optional for all actions."