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Filtering is available for list actions, this shows filtering by project category.


category, outputType , columns


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acli bobswift -a getProjectList --category CLI --outputType table --columns "1,3,4,5,project url, jira url"

No Format

23 projects in list 
│ Key      │ Id    │ Name                       │ Description                │ Lead                       │ Default Assignee │ Project Type │ Project URL                 │ Jira URL                   │
│ ACLI     │ 10212 │ Atlassian Command Line     │ Consolidated distribution  │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift       │                  │ software     │ https://bobswift.atlassian. │ https://bobswift.atlassian │
│          │       │ Interface (CLI)            │ containing all CLI clients │ Atlassian Apps]            │                  │              │ net/wiki/display/ACLI       │ .net/browse/ACLI           │
│ AGILECLI │ 13200 │ Agile Command Line         │                            │ SriniP [Bob Swift          │                  │ software     │ https://bobswift.atlassian. │ https://bobswift.atlassian │
│          │       │ Interface (CLI)            │                            │ Atlassian Apps]            │                  │              │ net/wiki/display/AGILECLI   │ .net/browse/AGILECLI       │
│ BCCLI    │ 13100 │ Bitbucket Cloud Command    │                            │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift       │                  │ software     │ https://bobswift.atlassian. │ https://bobswift.atlassian │
│          │       │ Line Interface (CLI)       │                            │ Atlassian Apps]            │                  │              │ net/wiki/display/BCCLI      │ .net/browse/BCCLI          │
│ BCLI     │ 10122 │ Bamboo Command Line        │ Bamboo CLI client          │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift       │                  │ software     │ https://bobswift.atlassian. │ https://bobswift.atlassian │
│          │       │ Interface (CLI)            │                            │ Atlassian Apps]            │                  │              │ net/wiki/display/BCLI       │ .net/browse/BCLI           │
│ BCLIP    │ 10600 │ Run CLI Actions in Bamboo  │ Bamboo tasks for ACLI      │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift       │                  │ software     │ https://bobswift.atlassian. │ https://bobswift.atlassian │
│          │       │                            │ functions                  │ Atlassian Apps]            │                  │              │ net/wiki/display/BCLIP      │ .net/browse/BCLIP          │
│ CCLI     │ 10223 │ Run CLI Actions in         │ Confluence macros for ACLI │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift       │                  │ software     │ https://bobswift.atlassian. │ https://bobswift.atlassian │
│          │       │ Confluence                 │ functions                  │ Atlassian Apps]            │                  │              │ net/wiki/display/CCLI       │ .net/browse/CCLI           │
│ CRUCLI   │ 10121 │ Crucible Command Line      │ Crucible CLI client        │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift       │                  │ software     │ https://bobswift.atlassian. │ https://bobswift.atlassian │
│          │       │ Interface (CLI)            │                            │ Atlassian Apps]            │                  │              │ net/wiki/display/CRUCLI     │ .net/browse/CRUCLI         │
│ CSOAP    │ 10214 │ Confluence Command Line    │ Confluence CLI client      │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift       │                  │ software     │ https://bobswift.atlassian. │ https://bobswift.atlassian │
│          │       │ Interface (CLI)            │                            │ Atlassian Apps]            │                  │              │ net/wiki/display/CSOAP      │ .net/browse/CSOAP          │
│ CSOAPLIB │ 10127 │ Confluence SOAP Library    │ SOAP library for accessing │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift       │                  │ software     │ https://bobswift.atlassian. │ https://bobswift.atlassian │
│          │       │                            │ Confluence                 │ Atlassian Apps]            │                  │              │ net/wiki/display/CSOAPLIB   │ .net/browse/CSOAPLIB       │
│ CSVCLI   │ 12800 │ CSV CLI                    │                            │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift       │                  │ software     │ https://bobswift.atlassian. │ https://bobswift.atlassian │
│          │       │                            │                            │ Atlassian Apps]            │                  │              │ net/wiki/display/csvcli     │ .net/browse/CSVCLI         │
│ DW       │ 12900 │ Data Warehouse for DevOps  │                            │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift       │                  │ software     │ https://bobswift.atlassian. │ https://bobswift.atlassian │
│          │       │                            │                            │ Atlassian Apps]            │                  │              │ net/wiki/display/DW         │ .net/browse/DW             │
│ FCLI     │ 10112 │ Fisheye Command Line       │ FishEye CLI client         │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift       │                  │ software     │ https://bobswift.atlassian. │ https://bobswift.atlassian │
│          │       │ Interface (CLI)            │                            │ Atlassian Apps]            │                  │              │ net/wiki/display/FCLI       │ .net/browse/FCLI           │
│ HCLI     │ 12000 │ HipChat Command Line       │ HipChat CLI client         │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift       │                  │ software     │ https://bobswift.atlassian. │ https://bobswift.atlassian │
│          │       │ Interface (CLI)            │                            │ Atlassian Apps]            │                  │              │ net/wiki/display/HCLI       │ .net/browse/HCLI           │
│ JCLI     │ 10117 │ Jira Command Line          │ Jira CLI client and        │ SriniP [Bob Swift          │                  │ software     │ https://bobswift.atlassian. │ https://bobswift.atlassian │
│          │       │ Interface (CLI)            │ connector                  │ Atlassian Apps]            │                  │              │ net/wiki/display/JCLI       │ .net/browse/JCLI           │
│ JCLIP    │ 10500 │ Run CLI Actions in Jira    │ Jira UI and workflow       │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift       │                  │ software     │ https://bobswift.atlassian. │ https://bobswift.atlassian │
│          │       │                            │ functions for CLI actions  │ Atlassian Apps]            │                  │              │ net/wiki/display/JCLIP      │ .net/browse/JCLIP          │
│ JSDCLI   │ 12201 │ Service Desk Command Line  │ JIRA Service Desk CLI      │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift       │                  │ software     │ https://bobswift.atlassian. │ https://bobswift.atlassian │
│          │       │ Interface (CLI)            │ client                     │ Atlassian Apps]            │                  │              │ net/wiki/display/JSDCLI     │ .net/browse/JSDCLI         │
│ SCLI     │ 10800 │ Bitbucket Command Line     │ Bitbucket CLI client       │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift       │                  │ software     │ https://bobswift.atlassian. │ https://bobswift.atlassian │
│          │       │ Interface (CLI)            │                            │ Atlassian Apps]            │                  │              │ net/wiki/display/SCLI       │ .net/browse/SCLI           │
│ SCLIP    │ 10900 │ Run CLI Actions in         │ Bitbucket hooks for ACLI   │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift       │                  │ software     │ https://bobswift.atlassian. │ https://bobswift.atlassian │
│          │       │ Bitbucket                  │ functions                  │ Atlassian Apps]            │                  │              │ net/wiki/display/SCLIP      │ .net/browse/SCLIP          │
│ SLACKCLI │ 13203 │ CLI for Slack              │ Not created by, affiliated │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift       │                  │ software     │ https://bobswift.atlassian. │ https://bobswift.atlassian │
│          │       │                            │ with, or supported by      │ Atlassian Apps]            │                  │              │ net/wiki/display/SLACKCLI   │ .net/browse/SLACKCLI       │
│          │       │                            │ Slack Technologies, Inc.   │                            │                  │              │                             │                            │
│ STRCLI   │ 13002 │ Structure Command Line     │                            │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift       │                  │ software     │ https://bobswift.atlassian. │ https://bobswift.atlassian │
│          │       │ Interface (CLI)            │                            │ Atlassian Apps]            │                  │              │ net/wiki/display/STRCLI     │ .net/browse/STRCLI         │
│ TCLI     │ 13001 │ Trello Command Line        │                            │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift       │                  │ software     │ https://bobswift.atlassian. │ https://bobswift.atlassian │
│          │       │ Interface (CLI)            │                            │ Atlassian Apps]            │                  │              │ net/wiki/display/TCLI       │ .net/browse/TCLI           │
│ TEMPOCLI │ 13000 │ Tempo Command Line         │                            │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift       │                  │ software     │ https://bobswift.atlassian. │ https://bobswift.atlassian │
│          │       │ Interface (CLI)            │                            │ Atlassian Apps]            │                  │              │ net/wiki/display/TEMPOCLI   │ .net/browse/TEMPOCLI       │
│ UPMCLI   │ 12700 │ UPM Command Line Interface │                            │ Bob Swift [Bob Swift       │                  │ software     │ https://bobswift.atlassian. │ https://bobswift.atlassian │
│          │       │ (CLI)                      │                            │ Atlassian Apps]            │                  │              │ net/wiki/display/UPMCLI     │ .net/browse/UPMCLI         │