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Comment: Scaffolding Cloud: Converted Scaffolding Server macros to Scaffolding Cloud macros.
Live template
templateOption{"label":"Macro Reference Live Template v2","value":"979936587","templateType":"template"}
templateTypeOption{"label":"Confluence template/blueprint","value":"template"}
excerptDescription This macro outputs specific information about an item being reported on. When used in a report, it will report on the current item. When used outside a report, it will report on the current page by default, or the content referred to by the source parameter. It can handle regular text, dates, numbers, booleans (true/false) and lists, as well as any other object which has a default value specified in a Supplier . For more information check out this macro demo page. Parameters Name Required Migratable to Cloud? Default Value Description key/[default] (/) No The key chain to retrieve for the item. A key chain is a list of prefix:key  values separated by ">" characters. e.g.:content:creator > user:nameSee the Suppliers for Reporting page for more details on what options are available.  link (x) No false If set to true and the current item/key has a URL link, the text generated will be linked to that URL. source (x) No The source to retrieve information for. By default, this will be the current report item if in a report, or the current page if not in a report. May be "@self" (the current page) or a link to other content (e.g.: "SPACEKEY:Page Name", "PageName^attachment.ext"). format (x) No The date (eg. 'dd MMM, yyyy') or number (eg. '#,##0.00') format to display the item in. This will only be used if the data is a date or a number, respectively. Otherwise, it will be ignored. render (x) No none If set to wiki , the generated text will be rendered as wiki text. Otherwise, it will be output as written. info (Hover Text) (x) No (Since 3.4.0) The text which will be displayed when the user hovers their mouse over the link.  separator (x) No comma The type of separator to display between each item, if the key value pointed to is a collection of other items. May be one of the following:  bracket - Square brackets ('[', ']') surrounding each item. brace - Braces ('{', '}') surrounding each item. comma - A comma (',') between each item. paren - Parentheses ('(', ')') surrounding each item. pipe - A pipe ('|') between each item. newline - A line break after each item. "custom" - Any other character you wish, specified between quotes. default (x) No The contents of this parameter will be used if the item/key is empty. It will be rendered as wiki text. Alternately, the body of the macro can also be used, if more complex wiki text is required. Editor View Macro Edit View Not applicable. Notes Not applicable.

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