templateType | template |
templateOption | {"label":"Knowledge Base Template v4 Cloud Migration Ready","value":"975385006","templateType":"template"} |
templateTypeOption | {"label":"Confluence template/blueprint","value":"template"} |
templateId | 975385006 |
excerpt | Summary Salesforce/Associations section not loading on Jira issues: Environment Jira server Diagnostics Steps Cause Sometimes the Jira plugins cache may affect the way the Connector works locally in Jira. In this case, the Salesforce/Association fails to load. Workaround Resolution Please clear the plugins cache in Jira by following the steps described below: Shut down JIRA Delete the following hidden plugin cache directories: JIRA_HOME/plugins/.bundled-plugins JIRA_HOME/plugins/.osgi-plugins Restart JIRA (These directories will be recreated on JIRA reboot with new plugin cache) Downtime is required. |
fieldGroupKeys | {"2y3hhobuup":["net.customware.confluence.plugin.scaffolding__2y3hhobuup__data_0_scfhzgza3b"]} |