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  • accessing Confluence (or Jira) with a URL other than the base URL configured in the application's configuration page. For example, if Jira is configured with a base URL of "" but users typically access Jira using a shortcut of "http://jira", OAuth may not work properly. To correct this issue, ensure that the base URL is configured correctly in the Jira system configuration, and then ensure that all users are accessing it with that name. ( If you run Jira behind a web server, you may wish to configure your web serfver server to redirect all nonstandard URLs to the canonical URL.)
  • configuring both Confluence and Jira on the same hostname, only differentiated by a context path or port. OAuth may not always work as desired if (say) , for example, your Confluence server is accessible at http://tools/confluence and Jira is accessible at http://tools/jira. Similarly, trying to access Jira as http://tools:8080 and trying to access Confluence as http://tools:8090 may also cause problems. In this scenario, consider creating different hostnames for each applications. ( Both services can still continue to be run on the same physical or virtual machine, but they should be given their own distinct hostnames and URLs.)

One additional tool for investigating OAuth problems is the OAuth authentication tokens page in the user's profile. To access this tool:



The Atlassian CVE-2021-44228 disclosure page details some specific circumstances in which a Jira instance, and apps like Dataplane that use Jira's log4j v1.2.17 API, could be exposed to a CVE-2021-44228-like exploit should Jira be configured in a non-default way by an instance administrator. Please review that page in detail to determine if it applies to your Jira configuration.



Why is Dataplane no longer available upon expiration of my paid license maintenance period?

If you are running Dataplane 1.8 or lower, a bug in the Atlassian Add-On Manager (UPM) (UPM-4565) causes Jira to stop Dataplane from running upon license maintenance expiration, rather than letting you continue using Dataplane outside of your maintenance period (as your perpetual license allows). This also affects impacts users who are in the process of upgrading from Dataplane 1.8 or lower to a more recent release. We apologize for this inconvenience.
