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You can use the public API endpoints to set up integration between BigPicture and external tools. To get responses, you need to have admin permissions.


OperationRequest type: URLAdditional infoExample of response

Get absence for a particular Resource

GET baseUrl/public/ppm/resources/{individualId}/absences

Accept: application/json

Authorization: APIToken <token>

Cookie: JSESSIONID=sessionId

Replace baseUrl with your real URL, for example: 

For {individualId}, use a pattern: EXT_USER@<extplatform_id>@<user_id_in_extplatform>

Replace <extplatform_id> with an ID for an external platform you use data from. If your default external platform is Jira Server, enter 2. To check <extplatform_id>, go to App Configuration → Integrations →  Connections. Click F12 to see a side window on the right. Go to "Network" → "Fetch/XHR". Refresh the page, click "extplatform" and navigate to the "Preview" section. The <extplatform_id> will be visible there, as presented below. Copy an ID for the platform you want to use. 

Image Modified

Next, replace <user_id_in_extplatform> with a real ID of the user from the external platform you want to use (for Jira Server, enter a user ID in Jira, for another extplatform like Trello, provide a user ID in Trello).
If <user_id_in_extplatform> is an email address, double “@” and use the pattern EXT_USER@@<extplatform id>@@<email@com>, then provide a real email in <email@com>.

You can generate an APIToken in BigPicture -> My settings -> API tokens. For more info, click here. The token is valid for 1 year. 

To catch your sessionId, you can:
Open BigPicture and click F12 to see a side window on the right. Go to "Network" -> "Fetch/XHR". Refresh the page and copy your JSESSIONID, as presented below.

Example of API response for Resource absence:

Create absence for a particular Resource

POST baseUrl/public/ppm/resources/{individualId}/absences

Content-Type: application/json

Authorization: APIToken <token>

Cookie: JSESSIONID=sessionId

Request Body:

{ "startDate": "2022-12-02", "endDate": "2022-12-02", "absenceType": "HOLIDAY", "comment": "new comment content", "percentageUnavailability": 100 }

There are 5 different absenceType you can use:


You can set percentageUnavailability to 50 or 100. 
Other values are not supported. 50 means the Resource is absent half a day, while 100 informs that the Resource is absent all day. 

To provide data, use the pattern: YYYY-MM-dd.

Update absence for a particular Resource

PUT baseUrl/public/ppm/resources/{individualId}/absences?startDate={startDate}

Content-Type: application/json

Authorization: APIToken <token>

Cookie: JSESSIONID=sessionId

Request Body:

{ "startDate": "2024-07-21", "endDate": "2024-09-21", "absenceType": "OTHER REASON", "comment": "updated comment content", "percentageUnavailability": 50 }

Delete absence for a particular Resource

DELETE baseUrl/public/ppm/resources/{individualId}/absences?startDate={startDate}

Content-Type: application/json

Authorization: APIToken <token>

Cookie: JSESSIONID=sessionId


OperationRequest type: URLAdditional info

Get all Box IDs associated with a selected task in the scope

GET {baseURL}/public/ppm/boxarea/task/{taskIdorExtPlatformTaskKey}/boxes

Accept: application/json

Authorization: APIToken <token>

Cookie: JSESSIONID=sessionId

Replace baseUrl with your real URL, for example: 

You can find taskId in BigPicture, for example, "108".

  1. Click F12 to see a side window on the right.
  2. Navigate to "Network" -> "Fetch/XHR".
  3. Start editing a selected task inline in BigPicture.
  4. Click the updateFieldValue parameter and go to the "Payload" section. The taskId is visible there. 

For ExtPlatformTaskKey, use this pattern {extplatformId}@{extTaskType}@{extTaskId}, for example, "2@1@1034407". 

  1. Go to a Jira issue and click F12 to see a side window on the right.
  2. Navigate to "Network" -> "Fetch/XHR".
  3. Refresh the page.
  4. Find the loadBoxStructure parameter (use the search box to find it faster). 
  5. Go to the "Payload" section. 

Make sure that the WBS widget is enabled. 

You can generate an APIToken in BigPicture -> My settings -> API tokens. For more info, click here. The token is valid for 1 year. 

To catch your sessionId, you can:
Open BigPicture and click F12 to see a side window on the right. Go to "Network" -> "Fetch/XHR". Refresh the page and copy your JSESSIONID, as presented below.



Providing taskId or ExtPlatformTaskKey is mandatory.

You can find taskId in BigPicture, for example, "108".

  1. Click F12 to see a side window on the right.
  2. Navigate to "Network" -> "Fetch/XHR".
  3. Start editing a selected task inline in BigPicture.
  4. Click the updateFieldValue parameter and go to the "Payload" section. The taskId is visible there. 

For ExtPlatformTaskKey, use this pattern {extplatformId}@{extTaskType}@{extTaskId}, for example, "2@1@1034407". 

  1. Go to a Jira issue and click F12 to see a side window on the right.
  2. Navigate to "Network" -> "Fetch/XHR".
  3. Refresh the page.
  4. Find the loadBoxStructure parameter (use the search box to find it faster). 
  5. Go to the "Payload" section. 

Make sure that the WBS widget is enabled. 

fieldIdQuery StringString or Integer

Providing taskFieldId or globalFieldName is mandatory.

Enter taskFieldId - TaskFieldId (integer) used to identify a field in BigPicture, for example, "518".

Enter globalFieldName - GlobalFieldName (String) used to identify global field names, for example, "Story Points". 

aggregationTypeQuery StringString

Providing aggregationType is mandatory.

Possible values:


boxIdQuery StringString

Providing boxId is optional. This parameter can be used as a context for aggregation.

You can find your boxId in the URL bar or next to the status of the Box, for example, "PROG-30". 
