Using Blitz Actions and the power of SIL, you can do a lot of things with your JIRA. For example, you can log work on behalf of another user.
For this, I configured you can configure a button with a single step:
The button will be always enabled and it's essentially a script simply asks asking for the a confirmation that we want to log work for another user. The action will be enabled if we answer with "yes" If the answer to the confirming question from on the first screen is "yes", then the action will be enabled and disabled otherwise.
So the button only contains a confirmation question and on it's its action screen we only save the selected value:
the screen script:
Code Block BA_setActionTitle("Are you sure?"); BA_createRadioGroup("Sure?", {"yes", "no"}, "yes", false, true, "You are about to log work on behalf of another user. This may have some consequences. Are you sure you want to do this?"); BA_setExecuteButtonText("Submit");
the action script:
Code Block string option = BA_getSingleValue(argv, "Sure?"); BA_setBlitzAttribute("option", option);
condition script for the action would look like this:
Code Block |
number ENABLED = 1;
number DISABLED = 2;
number HIDDEN = 3;
string option = BA_getBlitzAttribute("option");
return option == "yes" ? ENABLED : HIDDEN; |
In the screen script we configure the fields we need in order to log the work:
Code Block |
BA_setActionTitle("Log work as user");
BA_createUserPicker("User", currentUser(), false, true, "");
BA_createInput("Time Spent", "", false, true, "(eg 3w 4d 12h)");
BA_createDateTimePicker("Date Started", currentDate(), false, false, "");
BA_createRadioGroup("Remaining Estimate", {"Adjust automatically", "Use existing estimate"},"Adjust automatically", false);
BA_createTextArea("Work Description", "", false);
BA_setExecuteButtonText("Done"); |
In the action script we retrieve the values from the screen and add the worklog:
Code Block |
string user = BA_getSingleValue(argv, "User");
interval timeSpent = BA_getSingleValue(argv, "Time Spent");
date startDate = BA_getDateValue(argv, "Date Started");
string estimate = BA_getSingleValue(argv, "Remaining Estimate");
string comment = BA_getSingleValue(argv, "Work Description");
if (estimate == "Adjust automatically") {
addWorklogAdjustEstimate(key, user, timeSpent, startDate, comment);
} else {
addWorklogExistingEstimate(key, user, timeSpent, startDate, comment);
} |
That's it!
That's how the implementation looks like in the issue: