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Table of Contents
excludeSee also



The script is read-only. You must avoid changing any issue values in the script. In fact, you may change the issue variables BUT they will not be changed (issue will not be saved). However, routines may have side effects.

 Thread Local Caching


If you are not fully aware of what this implies, it is recommended that you leave the option off.


Code Block
number noSubtasks = size(subtasks(key)); 
return "This issue has " + noSubtasks + " subtasks";


Average Issue Age

Code Block
date now = currentDate(); // just to make sure we use the same reference date
string [] subtasks = subtasks(key);
interval age;
for(string task in subtasks){
 age = age + (now - %task%.created);
return "Average age of subtasks is " + (age / size(subtasks));


Results from Database

Code Block
//select the city from the specified region
return sql("TestSQL", "select city from cities c, district d, region r where and and r.region='Bucharest'");


Status Age

Code Block
string field_name = "status";
string[] field_history = fieldHistory(key, field_name);
number n = arraySize(field_history);
date startDate; 
if (n > 0) {
 startDate = arrayGetElement(field_history, n - 2);
 return "Current issue has been " + status + " for " + (currentDate() - startDate);
return "Current issue has been " + status + " for " + (currentDate() - created);


Issue Statuses Count

Code Block
string[] statuses;
string[] statusHistory = fieldHistory(key, "status");
for(number i = 1; i < size(statusHistory); i = i + 2) {
 string statusStr = getElement(statusHistory, i);
 statuses = addElementIfNotExist(statuses, statusStr);
return size(statuses);


Issue Assignees

Code Block
string[] assignees;
assignees = addElementIfNotExist(assignees, userFullName(assignee)); 
string[] assigneeHistory = fieldHistory(key, "assignee"); 
for(number i = 1; i < size(assigneeHistory); i = i + 2) {
 string assigneeName = userFullName(getElement(assigneeHistory, i));
 assignees = addElementIfNotExist(assignees, assigneeName); 
return assignees;
