Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.

The uploaded template file must be XHTML or Docx file. Template supports inline CSS and all markup attributes. The sample you may download here: html and docx.


  • $issue - a current issue object com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue
  • $status - a status object of issue. Get the text of the status with: <p>$status.getSimpleStatus().getName()</p>
  • $summary - a current issue summary
  • $description - a current issue description
  • $assignee - a current issue formatted assignee
  • $reporter - a current issue formatted reporter
  • $env - a current issue environment
  • $created - a current issue formatted creation time
  • $updated - a current issue formatted update time
  • $due - a current issue formatted due date
  • $nowDate - a current formatted date
  • $nowTime - a current formatted timestamp
  • $labels - a current issue collection of labels as array
  • $fieldRenderer.renderField("<name>") - a current issue custom field value, where <name> is custom field name
  • $fieldRenderer.renderField("<name>", "<default_value>") - a current issue custom field value, where <name> is custom field name. If value is NULL then <default_value> will render
  • $fieldRenderer.renderFieldById("<id_num>") - a current issue custom field value, where <id> is custom field id (only numbers)
  • $fieldRenderer.renderFieldById("<id_num>", "<default_value>") - a current issue custom field value, where <id> is custom field id (only numbers). If value is NULL then <default_value> will render
  • $fieldRenderer.renderWiki2Html - wiki content from the current ticket custom field, available starting with v2.0.2
  • $components - a current issue collection of project components as array
  • $affectVersions - a current issue collection of affect versions as array
  • $fixVersions - a current issue of fix versions as array
  • $currentUser - a current logged user
  • $linkCollection - the instance of for current issue
  • $stringUtils - the instance of org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.StringUtils
  • $encoder - the instance of com.atlassian.jira.util.JiraUrlCodec
  • $comments - collection of objects com.atlassian.jira.issue.comments.Comment. You can loop through them using for instance
