Versions Compared


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You can create a new template in this folder using your desired text editor. You can add certain issue field values in the template by using the $field$ notation, where field is the name of the field you want to put in the text. Here is an example:

Code Block
titleEmail Template
Hello $recipient$,
This is a test template sent from $assignee$'s issue $key$. The summary for this issue is: $summary$.
This issue has the following fields:

 Type : $type$
 Priority : $priority$
 Labels : $labels$
 Status : $status$
 Resolution : $resolution$

 $key$ is described as follows: 
This issue was created on $created$ and updated on $updated$. It's due date is: $dueDate$. The assignee is $assignee$ and the reporter is: $reporter$.

Best regards,

This email was automaticaly generated by the JIRA Blitz-Action plugin:
Please do not reply.
titleEmail Templates

You can consult the Email Templates page for further information. Also consult the Mail Configuration page.



You can now test this custom field by going to the issues you have selected in the first step of this recipe.

The Issue screen will have the Send Email button, like this:

Image Added

After you click the button you'll need to confirm your email:

Image Added

Press the Execute button and the email will be sent.

That's all.

titleWorking solution

In order to use this recipe with katl-commons version 2.5.0, 2.5.1, 2.0.10 due to some problems you will need to make the following settings:

  • Download the mail.jar and the activation.jar archives from the maven repository.
  • Create a folder on your system named endorsed and put those two archives in the folder.
  • If you are using Windows create a new environment variable named "JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS" with the value "path_to_endorsed_folder". (Example: set JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS="D:\JiraInstall\endorsed").
  • Or you can specify your endorsed folder as a java system property like so:
    -Djava.endorsed.dirs="D:\JiraInstall\endorsed" with your endorsed directory path.

Katl-commons version 2.5.2 and higher does not need this configuration.