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This guide describes the features of the Traceability Analysis view.

Traceability Analysis View

The traceability analysis can be found under the "Impact" menu in the JIRA top toolbar. When clicking on the menu, you will find the "Traceability Analysis" sub-menu.

The traceability analysis page has three main components, the traceability analysis configuration, the traceability analysis view and the saving of the analysis.

The traceability analysis view displays the issue linked to first level parent issues. These first level parent issues are determined via the use of a favourite filter or a JQL query. The traceability analysis will be made for every first level issue, until a maximum depth (as defined by the configuration setting "Depth of Analysis"). The displayed issues linked and their direction can be configured via the Issue Link Type configuration setting.

Traceability Analysis Configuration

The traceability analysis view can be configured as follow.

Specifying the first level issues using a favourite filter or a JQL query

The traceability analysis is performed on a list of first level issues as defined by a favourite filter or a JQL query.  


The favourite filter or the JQL query ONLY defines the first level issues. These will be used as a starting point to find linked issues. Linked issues will be displayed based on the view configuration (e.g.: Link types, depth, etc.)

These can be entered in the main configuration field of the view as shown here:

Using a favourite filter (read this article for more details on using favourite filters)

Using a JQL query (read this article for more details on using JQL queries)

Depth of the analysis

The "Depth of Analysis" option can be found by clicking on the  button. This option will define the maximum number of levels to display, from the first-level parent issues. 

For-example if an issue has issue link down to 2 levels, setting the depth to 2 will give you a two levels deep analysis:

Setting the depth to 1, will give you a one level deep analysis:

Issue Link Types

The "Issue Link Types" option can be found by clicking on the  button. This option will define which issue link types and direction (Inward or Outward) will be displayed in the analysis.

By default, All Outward defined in your JIRA instance are displayed:

When selecting a subset of the issue link types, the analysis is updated accordingly:

Issue Link Type Name

The "Issue Link Type Name" option can be found by clicking on the  button. This option will show/hide the issue link type name in the analysis view.

By default, the option is set to SHOW the issue link type name:

The issue link type name can be HIDDEN from the analysis view. When hidden, an arrow is shown instead:

 Inward Link

 Outward Link

Number of issues per page

The "Number of issues per page" option can be found by clicking on the  button. This option will define how many first-level issues will be shown on each page (max number: 1000).

Issue display

The "Issue display" option can be found by clicking on the  button. This option will define whether first-level issues with links or with no links will be displayed.  


The Issue Display option can be useful for these type of analysis:

  • List of all the requirements/story that don't have any test
  • List of orphan issues
  • List of issues that are linked to defects
  • etc.


The options are:

  • All : This will display all first level issues as found via the favourite or the JQL query


  • Only with links: This will display only first level issues that have links to other issues

  • Only without links: This will display only first level issues that don't have links to other issues


This option will take into account the "Issue Link Type" option. For all the issue link types selected, the behaviour of the analysis will be: 

  • Only with links: only display first-level issues that have links to other issues of ANY of the selected issue link types
  • Only without links: only display first-level issues that don't have links to other issues of ANY of the selected issue link types


The traceability analysis view will automatically calculate and display metrics on the traceability analysis being performed (as defined by the traceability analysis configuration).

It will display a bar showing: 

  • The number of first level issues having children (Linked)
  • The number of first level issues having NO child (Orphans)



You may select the columns you wish to display by clicking on the Columns upper right button. After column selection, you must regenerate your analysis, that is by clicking the search Image RemovedImage Added button.Image Removed

Image Added

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