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  1. Once Power Scripts is installed, go to the SIL Manager 

  2. Inside the console, you can use the below code to make your POST/GET request. More details about the parameters are available in : Creating a project with Gaia REST API

    Code Block
    struct _template  {
        string templateName;
        string newProjectName;
        string newProjectKey;
        string projectLead;
        string confluenceLink;
        string username;
        string password;
        string projectType;
    //Build JSON data
    _template t;
    t.templateName = "templateName";    // Replace templateName with your template name
    t.newProjectName = "projectName";   // Replace projectName with your project name
    t.newProjectKey = "projectKey";     // Replace projectKey with your project key
    t.projectLead = "projectLead";      // Replace projectLead your project lead username
    t.confluenceLink = "Confluence";   
    t.username = "confluenceUsername";  // Replace confluenceUsername with your confluence username
    t.password = "confluencePassword";  // Replace confluencePasswordwith your confluence password
    t.projectType = "software";
    //Generate HTTP request
    HttpRequest request;
    request.headers += httpCreateHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
    request.headers += httpBasicAuthHeader("<username>", "<password>"); // Replace <username> and <password> with your Jira credentials
    //Send requets and get result
    string result = httpPost(getJIRABaseUrl() + "/plugins/servlet/gaia/rest/project", request, t);
    //Display result or error messages    
    number statusCode = httpGetStatusCode();
    if (statusCode >= 200 && statusCode < 300) {
    } else {
        runnerLog(trim(statusCode) + " : " + httpGetErrorMessage() + " : " + httpGetReasonPhrase());

  3. *** It is very important to edit the bellow line code since it's the way that the REST API can identify the current user ***

    Code Block
    request.headers += httpBasicAuthHeader("<username>", "<password>"); // Replace <username> and <password> with your Jira credentials

  4. Once your code is ready, hit the Run button. If the request succeeded, you should see a result as bellowbelow: