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Configure the Mail Sender



The mail sender configuration refers the mail templates directory and the internationalization of the templates plus the sender itself.


When accessing Mail Sender Configuration link, you will see the following screen:


Email Templates

Emails may be sent in multiple languages, based on the sender's language or on the receiver(s) language(s). The emails templates must be placed on disk, in a directory specified by you (see above), and must follow the convention below to get picked correctly by the SIL engine.


Therefore, when setting the 'receiver' to determine the language, the engine may send multiple mails, one in each language; of course, maximum number of mails sent is equal with the length of unique recipient list. While this is a very useful feature, this also impacts the performance and the memory used (if you're using queues).


SIL Template Language


Within the templates, any standard or custom field defined in the issue that called the routine can be referenced using the notation $field$. In fact, we expanded this notation and we created, started with version 4.0, a meta language named STL (not from Standard, but SIL). This language allows embedding snippets of SIL within the template (so you can output multiple rows in a html table, for instance). You can read more about STL in its dedicated chapter.



You can create, edit, delete email templates using the built-in editor.

Email Sender

There are 4 email senders available: 

Mail SenderDescriptionWhen to use
Container SenderUses Jira to send mails; mails are enqueued in the standard Jira queue and the call returns immediatelyIn most cases, this is what you should use. It offers good performance and it relies on the standard Jira mechanism.
Direct sender, customConnects to the SMTP server and sends the mail. You need to specify the mail server parametersYou need to configure another mail server for the mails and you want to wait for the send confirmation to arrive before continuing your SIL program
Direct sender, defaultsSame as above, but takes the configuration from Jira SMTP serverYou just want to wait for the send confirmation to arrive before continuing your SIL program.
Null senderLogs messages to be sent in the Jira logDebug and Development


Note that a mail that has been successfully sent does not mean that the recipient got the mail. It can be rejected along the way for multiple reasons. SMTP does not guarantee delivery!


If you choose Direct sender, custom, you will need to supply in some additional parameters:


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These parameters are standard, and you can select between the 'smtp' and 'smtps' protocols, specify the SMTP host server and port, as well as the authentication tokens (username / password). If you are unsure what to fill in in this form, please ask your network administrator to provide details of your company mail setup.
