Access your snippets by using the snippets menu in the header of Bitbucket. You can create new snippets directly from the menu or by clicking the create button in the snippets overview. Specify a name and an optional description, which supports Markdown syntax. You can categorize your snippet by assigning one or more categories. Enter new categories separated by commas. You can also control the visibility and accessibility of your snippet:
Visibility | Choose whether your snippet should be visible to all Bitbucket users in the browse section of the snippets overview. |
Accessibility | Choose whether your snippet should be accessible for external users you share the snippet URL with. |
Permissions | Choose whether certain groups or users have permissions to view your snippets. |
Info |
Note: If you want to prevent users from making their snippets accessible for external users they share the URL with, Bitbucket administrators can globally disable the option to make individual snippets public in the plugin configuration located under: Bitbucket Administration > Add-ons > Snippets configuration |
Finally you can discover more snippets of other users in the “Browse Snippets” section or on the user's profile page.
Ownership of the Snippets
There are three groups of users that have full access and rights to administer the snippet:
Author of the snippet
Administrators of Confluence
Users/groups set as owners on snippet settings
Ownership of the snippet overrides “Limit access“ field setting, meaning users that belong to any of those groups will have access and permission to administer snippet even if they are not granted access by “Limit access“ snippet settings field.