The CMJC-CreateSharedObjects is a temporary group created by Configuration Manager for Jira Cloud. It’s used to give the user doing the deployment all the necessary permissions to transfer all the included configuration elements. When the deployment is complete, the group is deleted
The group is created during the start of the Analysis phase and is deleted at the end of the Analysis phase. The same goes for the Deploy phase. That’s because the Analysis phase is a simulation of the deployment and the Deploy phase is the actual deployment.
Why can’t CMJC create the CMJC-CreateSharedObjects group?
After you get the Analysis failed error, you can try to create the CMJC-CreateSharedObjects group yourself. Afterward, you can retry the deployment, and everything the Analysis phase should work pass as usual. However, keep in mind that the group gets deleted after the deploymentat the end of the Analysis phase, so you’ll need to create it every time you do a deployment and get this errorthe group again for the Deploy phase if you get the error again.