Info |
Note: The weather widget will only be displayed if the user's browser has access to the internet. Also the city search feature only works if your Confluence server has access to the internet. If your Confluence doesn't have internet access, please enter latitude and longitude manually. |
Macro Parameters:
Parameter | Default | Description |
City Name | None - No name will be displayed in header. | Name of the city displayed in header. Leave blank for no name. |
Latitude | - | Latitude of the city. |
Longitude | - | Longitude of the city. |
Display Mode | currentWeatherWithDailyForecast | Choose whether to display the current weather with or without a daily forecast. Valid values are:
Units | us | Choose between the following units:
Text Color | #333333 | Color of all the text in the widget. |
Bar Color | #333333 | Color of the bars in the widget. |
Animated Skycons | true | Enable to display animated skycons. |
Hide Header | false | Enable to hide the header of the widget. |