are assigned to a given program or project
have at least one incoming or outgoing dependency (note - both dependency tasks must be open).
The intersection of the matrix's rows and columns of the matrix shows the number of dependencies between projects and their iterations from lower levels (PI Iterations, Sprints, etc.).
The With more dependencies, the color changes from green through to yellow to red.
If there are no dependencies between projects/iterations, the report will present "No data."
Info |
Contrary to the Cross-team dependencies report:
When you click on the report field,
you will see detailed information about each dependency (divided into projects or iterations between which they occur).
Status is abbreviated:
Report configuration
In the report configuration, you You can rename your report using the report configuration.
Hide/show the same Box dependencies
CrossThe cross-Team team dependencies report can show dependencies on the diagonal (only Soft/Hard links, ; it does not show Child-Parent relationships within the same team).
This functionality is disabled turned off by default. It can be turned on / off in the report configuration panel (the "Hide dependencies for the same team" checkbox is selected by default).
Box name
task key
task status
dependency type